gun nuts. intratek ab10. mixed reviews


Well-Known Member
allright so i got this gun yesterday. came with a 30 40 and 50 round clip. iv read that the intratek tech 9 is shit and has feeding problems. then i read the ab10 is a good gun just not that accurste.. then i go on to read thst eith practice its accurate. so lets hear it what do you all think about the ab1020130210_234600.jpg
It's a troll-ism. It means the photo you have provided is not an original, you manipulated the image somehow in Adobe Photoshop.
i bought it cause i have a ak47 and a ruger security 6 357 magnum and i feel like the rounds thst come out of those guns are a little much for home defense. the ab10 shoots 9mm so even if it takes 50 shots i should be able to hit something coming thru mydoor
what im really looking to get out of this thread is not to be called a troll. i just want to hear from somrone that has fired this wepon sense i have not and cant for a couple months
Wasn't calling you a troll. I was calling myself a troll. I was being troll-ish in saying the image was photoshopped. Clearly it was not. You misunderstood, typical of a redneck gun freak, and reposted an offensive image. As a moderator you should know better. At this point, yea, now you became the troll. Well played.
i overpaid. but when they came out clinton waspresident like1994 i think. they were 200. i see them on gun broker from 350 to 900
i bought it cause i have a ak47 and a ruger security 6 357 magnum and i feel like the rounds thst come out of those guns are a little much for home defense. the ab10 shoots 9mm so even if it takes 50 shots i should be able to hit something coming thru mydoor
Shit I would've bought an SKS but yeah I understand not wanting 7.62x39mm bullets blasting through your neighbors wall.
yea im not trying to hurt my nieghbors. and from my understanding those 7.62 rounds are no joke. i have kids of my own. dnt want to hurt anyone elses kids. im storing it tell i move to a house on some acres. then it might be usefull.