defoliation question..... anyone familiar with it?

Ok, here's my thoughts.
The plant will tell you what it needs. In a small scrog with low light, the lower leaves will die off and should be removed as they do so. In an outdoor grow in full sun, they won't and should be left. Mould should be watched for and defoliation can help if it appears.
In an indoor grow, VPD can, to some extent be controlled by defoliation. This should be used with caution as changes in the environment (humidity/temps) can rapidly change VPD.
As for buds needing light. I grow chillis and peppers (scrogged!) and the fruits tend to hang down underneath the scrog with the leaves sitting above them!
However, in the case of weed in the same growing environment, it's the exact opposite. The buds are clearly stretching up towards the light. That is probably why they also have sugar leaves. I think the thc 'mushroom' shaped head is actually shaped to collect the light.
Do you know what I find funny, not 1 comment about MY big arse plant ? Defoliated vigorously throughveg and early flower. Multiple main colas and bud from top to bottom. How can I achieve this with out doing what I've done. I haven't seen any pics like that and I thought that.that is.the.point to doing defoliating

thats the REASON for the thread these trolls just heep on trolling providing no info just want to cut people down, its funny to me, these jack-off have nothing else to do, then you just see them jump and high five over the like button like giddy school girls, hilarious. they dont agree with defoliation yet they remain on a defoliation thread, day after day after day. if i didnt like a particular movie, not only would i not see it again, i probably wouldn't watch the entire thing. if this is all you guys have, insulting people you'll never meet, enjoy. i guess it truly is the simple things.....
defoliation is a bad idea, unless the leaves in question don't receive enough light. At some point then they become a drain of energy, not a source. But if you think cutting a leaf that's getting sufficient light to let a bud get that light, you should rethink things. Leaves are the power plants.

Now, some of ya'll have been bitching nonstop for years at people that won't listen about this subject. Generally belittling them. Is this productive? It falls into the same category as "beatings will continue until morale improves".

agreed. i personally didn't know enough about the subject, so i decided to experiment, with MY plants... no idea why these dudes are so buttHurt over it.
thats the REASON for the thread these trolls just heep on trolling providing no info just want to cut people down, its funny to me, these jack-off have nothing else to do, then you just see them jump and high five over the like button like giddy school girls, hilarious. they dont agree with defoliation yet they remain on a defoliation thread, day after day after day. if i didnt like a particular movie, not only would i not see it again, i probably wouldn't watch the entire thing. if this is all you guys have, insulting people you'll never meet, enjoy. i guess it truly is the simple things.....

just experimenting...heard a lot of great things about defoilating , so me being about knowing and not assuming im giving it a whirl

awesome attitude to take friend! i really wish u the best of luck :peace:
I agree with this dude... do your experimenting for yourself and make up your own mind live your own life enjoy what you've got
I live in the real world I am doing this and showing great results I have plenty of experience not doing this it doesn't compare.

You live in the world of make believe. Not acknowledging all the factors that go into producing bud is ignorant and seeing what you want to see. I brought up some of those factors but as expected you refuse to acknowledge that the whole is equal to the sum of the parts, and that begins with genetics. There aint no way you could pull off what you're doing with O. Haze.

Just as most noobs will get hooked on snake oils, gimmicks, and what's popular (trends) I understand plant nutrition and plant each his own.

The one thing that has bothered me in this is the god awful amount of pin leaves in the majority of the pics shown. Either you spend days trimming out those leaves or you are just clipping to the shape of the buds and leaving a bunch of leaf intertwined. Potentially awesome for yield, piss poor for quality though.
The one thing that has bothered me in this is the god awful amount of pin leaves in the majority of the pics shown. Either you spend days trimming out those leaves or you are just clipping to the shape of the buds and leaving a bunch of leaf intertwined. Potentially awesome for yield, piss poor for quality though.

That is strain related the amount of bud leaf.
You live in the world of make believe. Not acknowledging all the factors that go into producing bud is ignorant and seeing what you want to see. I brought up some of those factors but as expected you refuse to acknowledge that the whole is equal to the sum of the parts, and that begins with genetics. There aint no way you could pull off what you're doing with O. Haze.

Just as most noobs will get hooked on snake oils, gimmicks, and what's popular (trends) I understand plant nutrition and plant each his own.


I have pictures of the real world where heavily shaded branches don't bud even right next to bud that is getting light you must have seen it on the last page that is reality not your disproved theory that bud grows in the dark. LMAO!!!!
Keep growing man. I don't have enough battery on my laptop to go through the whole thread right now. What's the verdict?
Keep growing man. I don't have enough battery on my laptop to go through the whole thread right now. What's the verdict?

i had a lil root rot , but other than quite pleased with the results, the nuggs are SUPER dense by far the densest ive grown, especially near the bottom.. which i would have cut previously, much better air flow in cabinet first time temps did not reach over 80 degreez
You start butchering it again and you're just asking for trouble. You have a lot of fan leaves which along with excellent genetics and your fine horticultural skills has gotten you great results, so far. It's not over until the fat lady sings. It's obvious you understand the art of fine tuning ALL cultural factors, but, I just don't understand why you don't understand the function of a leaf. All factors considered the primary reason you got to where you are today is because of the abundance of healthy fan leaves.

Defoilation has nothing to do with training. "Training" is my 4 main cola topping method or training a grapevine to a permanent VSP, vertical shoot positioning, the most popular training method used here in Texas and California as an example.

Pluck away,

Defoliation will train growth like other methods making it easy to have even height and better branching.
Defoliation is training I can control the height of any top plus create more branching.

You need to do more for yourself instead of just reading and preaching someones else's unproven theory.
But you keep the top if you just defoliate the top leaves if will force growth out to the branches of that top slowing it's upward growth but making the top fatter.