just got raided! cops choked me an punched an then entered without warrent

brewing up

Well-Known Member
u should of gone sick and chopped them all up with a knife and then melted them in a bath of acid or just feed the pigs to pigs ;-)


Well-Known Member

Next thrusday/friday morning is my appt with whoever is holding my investigation... as of right now im confused as to who will be interviewing me cause the last letter was from a internal affairs detective it said on the signature an now the appt to sit down for interview is with luitenant for local pd. I was told that IA detectives only meet with police officers and not civilians so the luitenant takes the interview.

My lawyer is saying to not bring in the videos of them entering my garage using my keys while im in cuffs which shows i didnt give them acess to my place and they had no warrant to enter. So i am confused as to how this is playing out.

Think this is turned into me giving a statement and maybe possibly the detective who hit me getting something put in his jacket and them just harassing me more? Or they wont bother me knowing i will fight back and the officers may get into some sort of trouble?

They all entered my place and detained me without a warrant just because they have a badge? Im starting to feel like this is all useless as cops can do illegal things when they feel like it and get caught and still not give a shit without repricussions... egnore the fact they hit me ect because it will be hear say and even thought the other officer witnessed it i know nothing will come of that.

Atleast to finish this whole thing i know i did what i could to them legally and by the book. If nothing comes of it whatsoever then i do not doubt the day marshal law can be a real senario.


Well-Known Member
Respect to you for how you've dealt with this. It clearly highlights where the anti social problems connected with marijuana are,with those overseers, sorry officers, who are enforcing the war against us. So so sick of this patriarchal world and it's bully boy tactics. My Grandad got set on fire in Normandy fighting against fascism, shame his country and it's allies are now 'protected' by individuals acting out a role made famous by the SS. And they think they are just behaving naturally in their role as law enforcer. Fucking institutionalised knuckle dragging robots!


Ther not cops .. Trust me a bet ur door cums off before you crop!!! They probs thought you wer budding .. Unlucky m8 . I would defo move shop"!!

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
First, file a formal report with police dept. next, go to a city/county council meeting to notify the community. This is the best,legal course of action. Very first thing you do is call an attorney.


Well-Known Member
Im surprised your lawyer is letting you talk to the police department you are having issues with? At this point the only statements you should be making are depositions straight to the district attorneys office...let them reccomend disciplinary action against the police officers and/or possibly file charges on your behalf against the department...dont subject yourself to an interview by the same people you are up against...

my original advice to you was to file a police report for robbery assault,kidnapping and home invasion..as of today you still have not received a warrant for what happend to you..meaning it was illegal and you were actually..kidnapped..robbed and assaulted...go to the district attorneys office and tell them you want to press charges..or file a civil lawsuit against the police department..or both..at this point you cant get in trouble for anything and most likely the police department will settle out of court to avoid the negative publicity...if you just want to hear some song and dance about a cop getting put in the corner for being a bad boy and it wont ever happen again..then go to that police major and listen to his crock of shit lies..

File a 1 million dollar civil lawsuit against the police department for violating your civil and constitutional rights..even if you only get %10 of that its $100k....research a few good civil attorneys and make appointments for a consultation it will be free and most likely one of them will take your case pro-bono (no money until you get paid) knowing you have a winning case and knowing they will settle out of court...you wont have to do much but sit back and wait for him to call and tell you to pick up your check......just my opinion

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
File whatever but the cops are always right, no matter what. Your lawyer may be attempting to plea bargain with the evidence you have. On the other side of the coin the prosicution will not except blackmail so your only hope is the police will suspend any possible charges against you. Be nice to the police but do not volunteer any information unless through your lawyer. Keep your informations and evidences well protected and copied if applicable. The police may sometimes be mistaken but they are always right.


Well-Known Member
File whatever but the cops are always right, no matter what. Your lawyer may be attempting to plea bargain with the evidence you have. On the other side of the coin the prosicution will not except blackmail so your only hope is the police will suspend any possible charges against you. Be nice to the police but do not volunteer any information unless through your lawyer. Keep your informations and evidences well protected and copied if applicable. The police may sometimes be mistaken but they are always right.
great advice if the OP was actually charged with a crime...read the thread...he wasnt ;)


Active Member
Damn man, keep us posted. Had a similar thing happen to someone i know, except we dont live in a legal state :/


Active Member
Yea so about 40min ago i was choked, punch and slapped multiple times by DEA agent because i wouldnt give him access to my place. They blocked me in leaving street. Used my keys to enter after i told them it wasnt my place. They told me it was a warrent but said i could not see it... i asked for officers name an badge number while in cuffs because multiple cops watched him choke me while in cuffs an punch me. Neighbor seen it! Going to talk to him now. Lawyer tmr at 2pm... im pissed.

End of story they left after taking pictures of my plants (12 veg) and my half ounce and my medical card. Again i asked them for warrent and name of officers and they said no to warrent and were all clueless "which" officer had me in his car. Not one single squad car. All cars unmarked, no lights no uniforms. Just badges gun and radios. 2 out of 8 had dea jacket on.

Wtf, im happy cause when he hit me an choked me i showed no emotion to him. Pissed cause refused to show warrent... happy again cause i have cameras :) sucks he hit me when out of view but thats why i have witness neighbor.

Not sure how to go about this or if to do anything since i wasnt incarcerated... then again i did nothing illegal.
Good luck man, I truly hope you get justice.

Power crazy cops... its gotta stop.


Well-Known Member
Ok UPDATE- well not much of update... tmr morning is my statement time. Gotta review the video an get my story perfect to what happened. My lawyer doesnt want me bringing up the videos cause they will ask for copies but he said its ultimately my call.

Both lawyers i have in same firm are both keep saying they give me credit for doing this lol. They getting me nervous like im gunna get mid-night beat down from them afterwards lol. I really think i should hire someone to follow me with camera at distance cause i KNOW the harassment is coming.

As for doing it at the same police station who did this to me is also sketchy to me and kind of confusing cause i GUARENTEE the cops WILL be in station and make it a point to walk by me or something lol.

To sum this up tmr is going to be a fun day... as time goes by i think ahh is it worth it? Then i tell someone the story or talk to lawyer and i get mad all over again as if it happened that day. So screw it right, mine as well make the report.

Big Shady

Definitely worth it. FUCK the police and everything they stand for. Stick it to their ass as hard as you can (lol) Good Luck!


Well-Known Member

Next thrusday/friday morning is my appt with whoever is holding my investigation... as of right now im confused as to who will be interviewing me cause the last letter was from a internal affairs detective it said on the signature an now the appt to sit down for interview is with luitenant for local pd. I was told that IA detectives only meet with police officers and not civilians so the luitenant takes the interview.

My lawyer is saying to not bring in the videos of them entering my garage using my keys while im in cuffs which shows i didnt give them acess to my place and they had no warrant to enter. So i am confused as to how this is playing out.

Think this is turned into me giving a statement and maybe possibly the detective who hit me getting something put in his jacket and them just harassing me more? Or they wont bother me knowing i will fight back and the officers may get into some sort of trouble?

They all entered my place and detained me without a warrant just because they have a badge? Im starting to feel like this is all useless as cops can do illegal things when they feel like it and get caught and still not give a shit without repricussions... egnore the fact they hit me ect because it will be hear say and even thought the other officer witnessed it i know nothing will come of that.

Atleast to finish this whole thing i know i did what i could to them legally and by the book. If nothing comes of it whatsoever then i do not doubt the day marshal law can be a real senario.
have you posted the vids??? let me get a link


Well-Known Member
No i havent, it took long time to find a program that played my surveillance video lol. Didnt feel like looking for program to edit my video down to the time of incident ect.


Well-Known Member
hey...why are you going alone? how come your lawyers arent going with you for the interview? why would you go to a police interview without a lawyer sitting next to you?..man u might need to hire some new legal representation....thats the whole point of having a lawyer..to protect you and your rights?