Well-Known Member
and what source do you have of this laptop claim? Just bullshit stories put out by the illegitimate bush regime ...Please reread my initial post Growrebel...And how do you refute the plans found on a laptop owned by Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (3rd in rank in Al Qaeda at the time). when it was confiscated by Manila authorities. I beg you to check your sources and view multiple sources as I do. Go rent Nat'l Geo's "Road to 9/11".
How much do you know about Al Qaeda? Why do they hate us and why did OBL issue a Fatwah against us?
... how much do I know about Al Qaeda ... enough ...
Fake Al Qaeda
"Ana raicha Al Qaeda" is colloquial for "I'm going to the toilet". A very common and widespread use of the word "Al-Qaeda" in different Arab countries in the public language is for the toilet bowl. This name comes from the Arabic verb "Qa'ada" which mean "to sit", pertinently, on the "Toilet Bowl". In most Arabs homes there are two kinds of toilets: "Al-Qaeda" also called the "Hamam Franji" or foreign toilet, and "Hamam Arabi" or "Arab toilet" which is a hole in the ground. Lest we forget it, the potty used by small children is called "Ma Qa'adia" or "Little Qaeda". So, if you were forming a terrorist group, would you call yourself, "The Toilet"?