I suppose, with that tape, they could attempt to sue the police - but then again - recall that San Bernadino is bankrupt. Well, values are depressed up there and the cabin didn't even have running water right? so how much are they out? - and.... at least they still have their chimney and that itty bitty basement.
SAY betcha they don't realize they are the owners the site of the future museum and Archive for Folk Hero Chris Dorner.
In fact a buy as a fire sale, playing up the ewwww, a dead guy, angle, right now, could be a very wise investment....
It will stand above Bonnie and Clyde who didn't spare civilians. This will be bigger even if the consent decree descends upon the LAPD once again. Almost assured I say. It's almost as big as Robin Hood, already.
Surely there is a ballad in the works. I have some lyrics already, anyone has a tune, send me the audio file.