If you feel you need the advice and want an outside opinion or clinical diagnosis, then yes it will probably benefit you. Half of the idea behind counseling is that you believe you need it, therefore you are more receptive and feel that it helps. I think it is worth trying since you want to. I used to have to attend sessions regularly, given what I did for the government. I am not saying my approach was correct, but I never said anything. I had learned from my peers that I did not want anything in writing in my medical jacket that could be used at a later date. I have first hand information of guys that ended their military career, moved on to the private sector earning six figures, and then were terminated b/c their employer found out their past work for the government. Is it legal, no. Is it morally correct, no. Does it happen, damn straight.
Regarding cost/ fees. If you involved in the MMJ community, I would be willing to guess you could find someone local that could possibly help you with little to no fees. Remember, therapy is what you make it. I do not know the severity of what you are feeling, but a long walk with my dog and cleaning my weapons always helped me
My friend, I also wanted to add my tip for success. I do self-reflection every day, and I remember that it can always be worse. Sounds simple, but tell yourself, reinforce it, and believe it.