gun nuts. intratek ab10. mixed reviews

that pistol would not have been my choice for home defence. i havent fired that model there, but ive fired the earlier types....junk!
i would trust your ruger 357 for that job.. and as another poster stated, a short shottie is what you need. good luck sir

Short or long, wouldn't matter... long w/modified choke would open up like a short one would - could also go flechettes, but if you did.. tis like the 'green rooms'... don't discuss them, and make sure you're buying quality shells - not Czech import.
Short or long, wouldn't matter... long w/modified choke would open up like a short one would - could also go flechettes, but if you did.. tis like the 'green rooms'... don't discuss them, and make sure you're buying quality shells - not Czech import.
im thinking that the gun would be fine for a late night trimming. if a couple people came through the door if i start poping off rounds after about 30 they should get the point
im thinking that the gun would be fine for a late night trimming. if a couple people came through the door if i start poping off rounds after about 30 they should get the point

Oh yes - at 7 yds.. you should turn people into pin cushions with it, as long as you're not waving it around like a banshee.. hahaha
Seems to me like if you have to worry about someone coming through your door while your trimming your doing something wrong. Always remember rule number one of grow club man.
Seems to me like if you have to worry about someone coming through your door while your trimming your doing something wrong. Always remember rule number one of grow club man.
where im at even a smell can get yur door kicked in. people kick in doors here where im at for damn near anything.
My Ar is literally about 5 feet from me atm, and usually is if I'm just chillin around the house. I'm not saying I carry it around, its just "available". I'm all for being prepared, the way you said it just sounded like you almost expected it to happen.
My Ar is literally about 5 feet from me atm, and usually is if I'm just chillin around the house. I'm not saying I carry it around, its just "available". I'm all for being prepared, the way you said it just sounded like you almost expected it to happen.
I expect for anything to happen at all times.
well my boy tryed out the ab10. doesnt even fire. the fire pins shot out

I've never heard of one being "shot out".
Most likely it is one of 3 things:

1. The bolt is fouled & needs to be disassembled & cleaned.
2. The firing pin itself is broken & needs to be replaced.
3. The firing pin rebound spring is broken & binding up the pin.

All three fixes are simple & cheap.
After owning brands like action arms and HK I could never enjoy a intratec.

I shot many kg and dc 9s and they would constantly jam for various reasons, no experience with the 10.
not sure. the dude that posted on here awhile ago calismoker he has it and took it apart.

Figured if you could touch base with whoever has it, have them detail strip it.. inspect the feed ramp too - if it's seen enough rounds that the pin is jacked.. you may want to verify ramp is intact/semi-sane too.. figured I'd mention to avoid more headache. :D
gun is in good condition. Just has the firing pin broke. The stock firing pins on a ab10 are not heat treated therefore they tend to break. I ordered a heat treated steel that will last longer , also I am cleaning the whole gun and did inspect the feed ramp and etc.. Its a really clean gun just seems it has got shot a couple times. It loads the bullet with ease and the slide is very smooth .