Got a RIU led project for anyone that is up for it. Cash no problem


Well-Known Member
Alright so awhile back I posted a thread on trying to tear apart my broken down cidly 360 watt led and fix it, and of course, make it better. Obviously wasn't able too, due to lack of time and lack of knowledge of how this stuff works. (also I'm not a very handy person, I'm the type that Accidenty hammers a nail in my hand)

Through out the past year I've seen the led section on riu explode!!
What makes it better is how many people are so dedicated to LEDs especially DIY.

What I want to do is ship this light or broken down light and have some one (or group) beef it up. I pay shipping, I pay for parts, and we will discuss pay for labor. How does that sound?

Lets get to this, post what you have in mind, thoughts, suggestions?

And of course this will be done discreetly as shipping is concern.

The light is a cidly 360 watt, about 20" from side to side.
Heres some bad quality pics, will take more real soon.

IMG_0466.jpg IMG_0465.jpg

When all this is done I will use this one in my personal 4x4 dr120twin
and I will grow dank with it!!!
Looks like a fun project. Not raising my hand to perform the operation (I feel you'd want someone with more LED experience), but I'll at least suggest replacing the modules with individual multichip LED's.
Those could get you really close to the original wattage.

360W in that tight of a space? Where are the heat sinks? That thing looks like it'd be a bear to cool.

Btw, what's wrong with it? Could it be as simple as replacing the drivers and being back in business?
Beautiful!! Love this community!

Alright so we are on a good start.

Thus far Im Feeling what bumper posted. I think we (cummunity) should decide what diodes, drivers etc etc for this project, as soon as we descide I will purchase them.

Thanks for the offer eraserhead, will pm u ASAP.

Will those drivers work with pretty much any led setup?
Looks like a fun project. Not raising my hand to perform the operation (I feel you'd want someone with more LED experience), but I'll at least suggest replacing the modules with individual multichip LED's.
Those could get you really close to the original wattage.

360W in that tight of a space? Where are the heat sinks? That thing looks like it'd be a bear to cool.

Btw, what's wrong with it? Could it be as simple as replacing the drivers and being back in business?

Check here.

Pretty much one by one led module started to fail. Not sure why or how?
For the most part, yes. They are rated for 60-90v, and can be set from anywhere from 450mA to 750mA. Your string of LEDs need to be within that voltage, and the driver amps need to be less than the max current the LED can handle (usually 700mA for Chinese LEDs)

Will those drivers work with pretty much any led setup?

Cidly overclocks everything (cheaper to push more watts with what's already there than to use more LEDs + drivers to add more power), those drivers are more than the LEDs max handling. That's my theory.

Pretty much one by one led module started to fail. Not sure why or how?
Looks like a fun project. Not raising my hand to perform the operation (I feel you'd want someone with more LED experience), but I'll at least suggest replacing the modules with individual multichip LED's.
Those could get you really close to the original wattage.

360W in that tight of a space? Where are the heat sinks? That thing looks like it'd be a bear to cool.

Btw, what's wrong with it? Could it be as simple as replacing the drivers and being back in business?

Is it possible to use these along with other modules? Or best to use just one kind?

Cooling unit:

Is it possible to some how add a heat out take from this panel?
Or input? Or both maybe on timer?
Is it possible to use these along with other modules? Or best to use just one kind?
Tbph, since EH is donating drivers, it doesn't make much sense to me.

But, if it still interests you, these cob's would take a different voltage and current than modules of 3W'ers I'm guessing. You could run them side by side with anything you want, but they'll in all likeliness need their own driver.

I also recommended these before getting better shots of the internals in your original thread. It might be difficult to retrofit multichip LED reflectors into your panel and have it look professional. It'd probably end up having to be a DIY'ed reflector, or perhaps just leave them exposed with maybe a homemade faceplate. Also, I'm still not 100% sure how cidly cools their LED's. That's a thermal pad? There's no heat sink, or...? These will throw quite a bit of heat into a very localized area. I've been cooling similar LED's with CPU coolers which seem to do the trick nicely, but how that translates over to a panel such as yours? Little clue.

Cooling unit:

Is it possible to some how add a heat out take from this panel?
Or input? Or both maybe on timer?
Hell yea it's possible.
You could get rid of those bitty PC fans and work out an intake/exhaust as if it were a cool tube. I suspect this route would quickly cross over the border into overkill, but if you've got any heat issues inside the tent this could be a nice way to alleviate some of that.

As for heat sensoring with logic and all that (if that's what you meant) that's all over my head. I'd just make it so the fans are on when the light is on, but that's me.
Hey 4E, what is up? One thing I haven't seen mentioned is you finding an old school electronics repair shop and getting an opinion from them. The great thing about LED panels is that they're just a bunch of diodes and converters basically. This is very simple stuff to an electrician. A competent tech can answer most of your questions after going over your panel with a multimeter. Building and repairing most LED panels is pretty simple stuff from what I've found. It's the designing part that's the bitch ;).

Best of Luck and Keep It Safe 4E!

Hey 4E, what is up? One thing I haven't seen mentioned is you finding an old school electronics repair shop and getting an opinion from them. The great thing about LED panels is that they're just a bunch of diodes and converters basically. This is very simple stuff to an electrician. A competent tech can answer most of your questions after going over your panel with a multimeter. Building and repairing most LED panels is pretty simple stuff from what I've found. It's the designing part that's the bitch ;).

Best of Luck and Keep It Safe 4E!

Great suggestion, problem is, where do I find such a shop?

What u said makes sense. Do y'all think I should redesign this light, or keep it the same, just with upgraded parts? I like the idea of exhausting hot air.

Either way, still looking for someone to handle. I know there's someone out there up too it. I seriously would try, but I got no patience and no skills in this once so ever.

I copy and past this from hyroot on a difrrent thread.

Ive always been a huge fan of Cree

Can you take the faceplate off one of the modules and snap a picture? Cree's might not be as easy a swap as other options. Then again, if you can fit LED stars under that faceplate it should be possible? Pretty hard to say, imo.

I vote for keeping things the same and just doing a parts swap.
^^^+1 on parts swap. If you have some Asian friends or acquaintances they might know someone or someplace, otherwise find your local Chinatown and look for an electronic shop/wholesaler. These guys are usually cool cause they don't give a fuck about what you're doing with it but before you say yes to anything get some second opinions because they do want your cash, which is why I ask if you know any Asians since word of mouth recommendations would be quicker here. Plus once you find out where the fault is you need to see if Cidly will sell you the replacement parts, which if they still have I don't see why not. Replacing with Cree or another company's LEDs involves a bit of testing to get right and could mean new drivers and fan upgrades which at that point you might as well build your own or do the American thing and chuck it and buy a new one. This of course why it's harder to find an electronics repair shop when most of the time it's easier to buy a new one and almost the same price as fixing it. I mean I just saw a BluRay player for 40 bucks, why fix my old one, right?

Otherwise there's Craigslist to look for an electrician, but that could lead to problems. And of course you could always say fuckit and buy a multimeter and dig in :).