Club 600

(with no schematic of your RO/softening system to view)
Is there a way you can draw water out of the system before it gets to the salt tank?
If you could install a petcock or other valve in the water line before the water gets to the salt tank, you would have clean RO water to use, and then just add back the Cal-Mag as needed.
Not sure if modifying your particular water system like that is feasible, though.
I re-read your post and saw where I missed you describing the RO & softener set up.
Sorry about that!

I did find this on a forum for orchid growers while researching your problem:
(*the OP was a lady who grows orchids indoors who finds herself suddenly in a house that uses well water, and has a salt softener & RO system installed by her mom. Her system also has the softener after the RO like yours)

"water softeners are ion exchangers, not removers. They take "hard" minerals like calcium and magnesium out of the water by replacing them with sodium, or in some cases, potassium.
From your bathub's point of view, this is good, since you don't get scale (the mineral kind) depositing from sodium as you do with Ca or Mg.
From your orchid's point of view, this is bad, because most can take (and require) reasonable levels of Ca and Mg, but cannot deal with excess sodium.
You should indeed put the RO unit after the water softener if you have the choice, as MB said, because Ca and Mg ions are worse for the RO membrane (will shorten its life) than sodium.
And to echo Jane in response to Calvin's question, there is almost certainly a source of unsoftened water in the house.
Most likely outside for the hoses, but also possibly inside in the basement.
Find where the water supply pipe enters the house: it's where the meter/shutoff is, and there is often a spigot nearby for draining the pipes or filling large buckets.
This will be upstream of the water softener.
As a last resort, water softeners I've seen have a "bypass" switch. Hit it to cut the water softener out of the loop, fill your buckets for watering, then turn it back on.
My (late) dinner:


Cut into slices, and 20-oz of Barq's rootbeer to cleanse the palate with.

Well screw you guys and your food, lol. I had chicken with pumkin, green beans and cashew nuts, in a sesame and ketchup (indonesian ketchup manis) sauce...with rice. Followed by home made banana bread.....same tonight for dinner as well, Saturday leftovers on Sunday. Made by my lovely wife....qho is also making me a late lunch. Time for a bongo.
Man today is the day I can smoke some dog with my 600w club buddy
Been waiting 3 months to smoke some! Can wait to met up with him and his wife. That will give my wife some one to talk too, also.
I think ima quit my job and catch up on the 200+ Pages ive missed lol i wish :( Back to work tonight after my well needed 5 days vacation :(:(:(:( Ever seen a grown man cry?I think im going to lol.

Anyway @DST,Jig are you making it to the Co Cup? What other 600s are coming?

And damn it Doobie that pizza just made me hungry FOOD TIME
Lmfao! I honestly have stopped going there because EVERYTHING the guy says contradicts RIU. when he ensisted on 7.0 PH for dro, that was final straw for me!

I have all intentions of trying one girl with sink water but here's the deal with it. The water in this town is well water, which I thought would be perfect BUT it's real rough water so before it goes thru the RO system it goes thru a water softener system. This system has a tank full of salt that the water goes thru then a ginormous aerator then the RO. LONG STORY short, my water sits in a 30 gal bucket of salt before coming in the house. Idk, I'm all confused trying to explain this damn mess!

Maybe I'll make a "salty water" journal lol. I guess I'll have to try it. Oh and no I am not lying. Every where here sells water. You can refill gallons at 27 cents each or a big 5 gal jug for $1 and change. Pathetic but I don't know if "salty water" adventure will be successful so might be stuck buying water or dirt :(.

I have 2 hydro stores near me and they are absolute shit !! 1 is run by a guy who thinks he knows his shit when he knows jack shit and the other is run by very large over weight woman who once asked me why i needed a watering can !!!!? IM IN A FUCKING GROW SHOP YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT !
ooo yeaa and they all have 1 thing in common they fucking LOVE Dutch pro nutrients . They must make a bomb of cash when they sell the shit because in their eyes canna is shit
Good morning 6er's! Hope you guys are well, haven't had much time to get online lately been busy as hell getting shit ready for outdoors :D

Hope you enjoy the dog cali, and jig brotha hope all is well with you as well, and whodat,dst,doobs, well shit all my 6er's!

Just hoping online before I head off to church with the family to give back to my community, time for my weekly donations and free chinese food! fuck ya!

Stay high and happy growing guys! I know I will. Will try getting some updated pics this weekend!

Oh and fucking awesome news! My beans showed up yesterday! That was totally unexpected but hey I'm not going to complain :D

I will get some pics up of my new bean order when I get home.

Have a great day 6er's!

Oh and hs, me and my girl will be at the cup :D
love my 2 gallon $35 dollar nutes, after I paid $75 for 3 pints of Fox farm :cuss:Hydro shop asked when I needed more nutes, and I told him ''I get it cheaper some where else''. Then the wife said will price match, and I said no thanks. looks on there face was priceless:o
I'm pretty sure I'm not making the cup HS. :(

Doobie... there is an Alaska plate in the parking lot my cars in. Don't see those too much in california. Thought of you.