First Grow CFL Shed

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
hrm, then why the droopy?. Just make sure to keep in mind to go by smaller amounts when you do feed them. You can always increase once you see that they can handle the amount you are giving them. All about baby steps!!!:hump:

Other than that looking pretty good, I can't wait to see how that blue cheese is gonna turn out! What are your temps at right now?


Well-Known Member
Could they be droppy because it was thirsty, i took the pic right before watering

The highest it gets its 95 on the hottest days outside, and the lowest gets is 68, those are the extremes really depends on weather outside too, but i hve a 4" 100 CFM fan pumping cool air from shaded area outside but i think im going to upgrade to an 6" 250 CFM fan, think thatll help


Well-Known Member
couldn't hurt. 95 is very warm. they could def have been thirsty. if you water them all the same and the ones showing worst overnute problems are only droopy, i wouldn't worry too much.


Well-Known Member
well i got about an hour before i can check on my plants, but i made a co2 home tank thing with tubes that go to each plant, WHAT KINDA RESULTS should i expect from that???

also check out this bong i just made!



Well-Known Member
im pretty sure its just the plants your no expert but im sure its just the plants taking thier time...longets it took me was 2 weeks but maybe yours take longer? who knows? anyone el's adivce?


Well-Known Member
LOL - damn that sucks bro! How many fucking days has it been? Maybe your growing some cucumbers there bro... ;)


Well-Known Member
Either you have a Light leak, thats why i got myself one of those grow rooms.......

Or your plants will show soon ! 12/12 light cycle ?

hehehe ^^

hope its a light leak


Well-Known Member
what would leaking light do, if there is def none leaking in?
i am a bit confused.... leaking light could cause your plants to not start flowering (or turn them hermie) - depending on the intensity and duration.

if there are definitely no light leaks then light leakage would not be the problem.

Three weeks flowering without showing sex is pretty long but they take as long as they take... though i will say that if showing sex takes this long - i wonder how long actual flowering and ripening is going to take!


Well-Known Member
the blue cheese strand 7-8 weeks flowering...

Heres the situation with the box and light

i built a box in my shed, the SHED has no windows or lights in it, there are some leaks that come outta the BOX though, but the lights in the BOX are the only lights in the entire SHED so its pitch black when the night cycle is on


Well-Known Member
take a guess where region of the US i live

Hmmmm. 95 degress - I think you have to be Southwestern US, but 68 is too warm at night for the desert....So I am going to say California, but you are too hot for the coast so I will say Inland Empire and a wild guess of Fresno, CA.