minimum wage jobs are for young people learning the job thing. imaine, 15. for a burger? or 20. well, you cut down the profit margine, something has to give. and ohbama, he is a communist. all his policies, are for free shit, so we all become "dependant". this is turn, makes sure the party never leaves power. sound familiar? like castro, kim, and the ass from venezuela. they stol all buisness from the owners, put em to work, and paid everyone equally LOW. so, as barack would say, "i want to level the playing field". really means, i want to end profits. so, make everyone equally poor, so we are all level now. like cuba. oh, people still own their business. but all money goes to the goverment, and each owenr gets his "allowance" to live on. really? you do the work, and everyone else gets the money. wow. what a concept. still, i think we will wake up. somethings are n the works now, expect real change, soon. peace!