9.00 minimum wage is not enough...


Well-Known Member
A larger pool increases expenses at the same rate it increases income. A bigger pool solves nothing.
lol, contradicting the very reason why insurance works. simply redtarded.

Casinos pay out much better than the lottery. Should have voted that down, too.
lotto wasn't on the ballot, numbnuts.

Food and fuel are exempted from the government figures, but you still have to pay for it and it's still a factor. Fuel is technically finite, but we currently have hundreds of years of supply, and new sources are being found every day. Demand is anything but inelastic. And you called him a simpleton?
so you can fill your car with something other than gas if the price goes up?



So your claiming the price of food and fuel (more the result of government policies than the weather, so the Fed doesn't want to count them) doesn't actually cost you anything at all because nontheist is a pedophile. Typical Buckyism.
when did i say they costed nothing, stormfront red?

i am just saying they are not a good measure of inflation, especially in the short term.

note my deft use of the multi quote function.


Well-Known Member
and adjusted for inflation, minimum wage has been much higher than it is today. and we were very prosperous during those times, to boot! gee, who would have thought? :lol:
My mistake. Minimum wage of $1.60 was in 1973. So that throws your fake chart way off, doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
and i got same day service at those socialist "free" clinics. and those places were probably full of medicaid people.
But no real doctors tho. So instead of using the insurance you had and paying for services rendered, you chose to get a free ride off services meant for the poor. Your wife is a rich heiress but you depend on free clinics for your healthcare? Your credibility grows by leaps and bounds every day.


Well-Known Member
My mistake. Minimum wage of $1.60 was in 1973. So that throws your fake chart way off, doesn't it?
the chart is very real, unlike your fake, made up numbers. and it shows that we prospered when min wage was effectively higher than it is now.

does that cause your little stormfront world a little dissonance?


Well-Known Member
But no real doctors tho. So instead of using the insurance you had and paying for services rendered, you chose to get a free ride off services meant for the poor. Your wife is a rich heiress but you depend on free clinics for your healthcare? Your credibility grows by leaps and bounds every day.
every visit is always double checked by an MD. a PA is plenty capable of prescribing antibiotics and administering a tetanus shot, stormfront red.

and the reason why i said it is a "free" clinic is because you pay on a sliding scale. my visits have been anywhere from $15 to $60. my wife and i keep our finances separate, for your edification.

maybe try pulling your head out of your ass before you speak, stormfront red.


Well-Known Member
she posted an opinion piece from someone who posts on theantiobamablog.com that did not cite the PPACA in any way. i left the challenge open for her.
Actually, she posted an article she found on the Associated Press web site. You lied. Suddenly demanding that the PPACA is the only creditable source after wards is a standard you fail to meet yourself. Who has a copy of the complete PPACA anyway? They're still writing new regulations.


Well-Known Member
lol, contradicting the very reason why insurance works. simply redtarded.
You have no idea how insurance works, do you? Insurance just equalizes risk among a larger number of people. It doesn't reduce risks at all, but it does increase costs as a whole.
lotto wasn't on the ballot, numbnuts.
Yeah, it was. You think legal state sanctioned gambling was always here?
so you can fill your car with something other than gas if the price goes up?
That seems to be your claim, not mine.
LOL! simpleton. when did i say they costed nothing, stormfront red?
i am just saying they are not a good measure of inflation, especially in the short term.
So the actual cost of living is not a valid way to measure inflation?.....lol...........
note my deft use of the multi quote function.
No. You didn't "quote" anything. Are you retarded?


Well-Known Member
so it was the GOP's idea to raise taxes on all working americans, and obama gets the blame? only in stormfront red's world.
Actually, Democrats voted for the sunset provision. Claiming only the GOP endorsed it is just more of you lying. Obama never opposed it, which is what you were asked to disprove. You couldn't do it, so you came up with a new lie. You are really dishonest. No wonder your wife won't give you any. But I suspect you prefer the dog anyway.


Well-Known Member
wow, two responses to the same post. stormfront red is stormfronting today!
Sometimes the amount of douchebaggery in your posts can not be addressed in just one post. Actually, I'm getting bored by your idiocy. I think I'll go do something else. But you stay. We all know this is your only life. We make allowances for the handicapped. I noticed your ability to spell has really fallen off. Maybe you should go to that wonderful free clinic and get a brain scan. Might be a tumor.


Well-Known Member
Actually, she posted an article she found on the Associated Press web site. You lied. Suddenly demanding that the PPACA is the only creditable source after wards is a standard you fail to meet yourself. Who has a copy of the complete PPACA anyway? They're still writing new regulations.
the AP writer also posts on theantiobamablog.com and failed to cite the PPACA.

so credible.


Well-Known Member
You have no idea how insurance works, do you?
the douchebag that says larger pools do nothing is accusing me of not understanding how insurance works :lol:

Yeah, it was. You think legal state sanctioned gambling was always here?
what ballot proposition was ending the lotto, douchebag?

So the actual cost of living is not a valid way to measure inflation?.....lol...........
food and gas are volatile goods, in the short term they give an inaccurate picture of inflation. what don't you understand about that, stormfront red?

have fun storming around, douchebag.


Well-Known Member
I noticed your ability to spell has really fallen off. Maybe you should go to that wonderful free clinic and get a brain scan. Might be a tumor.
i don't claim to work with nobel prize winners, so i'm not worried.

have fun scrubbing toilets, ya douchebag!


Well-Known Member
Raising the minimum wage just makes it easier for the government to collect a bit more taxes. It doesn't really make anyone better off.


Well-Known Member
Raising the minimum wage just makes it easier for the government to collect a bit more taxes. It doesn't really make anyone better off.
the better way to effectively raise the minimum wage is through the tax code. obama did this with the making work pay tax credit, expansions to EIC, the payroll tax cut, etc. but these have all expired.

i'll be interested to see if this even gets a vote.