Kite High
Well-Known Member
Chaz...I want you to peruse this...and anyone else and share please...thanx
If you don't see the size/style you'd like in the list, please call us at: 541.228.3650 for a quick quote
Type: Grow Lights
Think you've seen everything in an LED Grow light? Think again! The LBI GL-700 utilizes 80watt high density arrays to create the perfect color mixing to deliver what plants need. Don't let anyone else fool you into thinking that because they use 3watt or 5watt chips, and use a bunch of them, that it's the same as using an 80watt array that puts out more light intensity than and HPS 1000watt unit!!
Our LED Grow Light is the result of years of research. Proprietary - high output LED arrays are tailored for optimal performance throughout the entire growth cycle. A self-monitoring thermal management system ensures optimal LED performance and longevity. The spectrum is well-balanced for all photosynthetically sensitive regions. A high-grade reflector collects all normally unused light and redirects it uniformly down to the grow area. This reflector system is a major difference between our light and the competition.
Download the LBI Grow Light Spec Here
Indoor horticultural operations
Efficient design, energy not wasted producing heat
Only emits light plants can use
One light needed for growing, flowering, and fruiting
Reflector designed for peak efficiency
Virtually maintenance free
Proprietary LED array
Self-monitoring thermal management system
Optimized light spectrum
High intensity light output
High performance reflector
Long life design, over 50,000 hours
We are looking for a National and/or World Wide Distributor for this product. Please contact us for furthe
Just received more info on this from the manufacturer
Thanks for contacting us about our GL-700 Series LED grow light.
I have included a Q and A sheet that answers most of your questions. Below are answers to your questions not covered by the sheet. The Q and A sheet is enclosed as an attachment.
Our GL-700 series uses eight, 80W arrays per growlight. Each 80W array consumes on average between 80W and 85W each. There is always a variation of power consumption due to the fact that not all LED dies have the exact same electrical characteristics even from the same batch. The total nominal power consumption is between 660W to 700W. Part of this is the power consumption by the LED arrays and the rest is due to the power supplies, drivers and cooling system. Again, there is a variation in power consumption due to the fact that different operating conditions will affect how hard the components will have to operate to maintain the various internal current and voltage levels.
I would like to make an additional comment about our reflector design and how it relates to umole measurements. I have seen a number of companies that have seemingly large umole readings for a certain Wattage of light, however, a large umole reading does not tell you the full story. It is far more informative to state anaverage umole value over the entire intended grow area, and furthermore, how uniform the illumination is over the intended grow area. The fact of the matter is that for a variety of growlights operating at a given power level, the total amount of emitted light will be roughly the same. How this light is distributed over a given grow area can vary greatly. The most desirable distribution of light is a uniform distribution that ensures that the plants near the edges and corners of the grow area are receiving just as much light as plants located directly in the center of the grow area. Our reflector design accomplishes this far better than any other growlight out on the market, however because of this, our umole readings reflect an average value that is less than values stated by other companies. If other companies were to state their measured values as average values, it would be similar to ours, and yet, our light would perform better due to the uniformity of illumination over the entire intended grow area.
We recommend our GL-700 light for grow areas measuring 4'X5'. We have had growers report success with both larger and smaller grow areas. Our measured average umole readings for various grow areas are as follows.
3'X4' grow area average umole value 410 umole
4'X5' grow area average umole value 246 umole
5'X6' grow area average umole value 164 umole