ISO Extraction Journal


Active Member
man i'm glad i found on you on here. i saw your video on youtube. and wanted to ask you.
How you turned your oil to that texture! and now i know! i dont use the tube and hand pump method
but i do a quick drain. with a wash of 20secs. then go from there. but i never took my time with the over and over whipping.
I will be trying this out today when my buddy comes over with some old harvest plants he never touched and left hanging.


Active Member
man i'm glad i found on you on here. i saw your video on youtube. and wanted to ask you.
How you turned your oil to that texture! and now i know! i dont use the tube and hand pump method
but i do a quick drain. with a wash of 20secs. then go from there. but i never took my time with the over and over whipping.
I will be trying this out today when my buddy comes over with some old harvest plants he never touched and left hanging.
Glad my vid's are reaching people. check out this wax i just recently made with Bruce Banner Nugs shit is fire yielding me 24-25% returns



Active Member
I didn't freeze my bud/trim " it was fresh " it was from some buds that were left hanging from last harvest.
no freeze (iso/bud). This is what my turn out was. from 3.6grams. I did a 2g run the 1st picture and a 1.6g run on the 2nd picture.
i did 3 washes per/run. with the whipping method.
The question is. How do i get the texture that you are getting? i would really like to fully understand that? is it all done with whipping?



Active Member
On my final purge, i had the oil sitting on a few oil slick pads, on top of the griddle at griddle setting 200*F (obviously this is not the real temp just the reading on the thermostat dial) then i took a piece of parchment paper and stuck it ontop the oil and kind sandwiched it between the parchment and the oil slick pad and sort of sealed it around the blob of oil.

Then i took a mason jar and placed it upside down directly ontop of the parchment paper with the oil underneath, then i put something heavy on top of the mason jar to create a seal.

I left it like that for probably 20 min and then i slightly whipped the oil, not much just for a good mintue.

Then put it pack in its little "chamber" for another 20 mintues and those yummy crumbly slabs were the result!