First of all Actual and equivalent watts. Equivalent is not for growers, it's for people who were used to heat bulbs to visualize how powerful is a cfl. So when you look for a cfl, don't even bother to read that 30W = 150W.
Another thing 3 x 30W is way too litle(that is what most of the people will say to you in here or any other forum).
But if you are like me, not willing to cover your area with lamps and because of space, ventilation and cost you are not willing to go for MH and HPS lamps, you can check my first grow from my signature.
I took in some thread one guys advice, his rule of thumb was 100W per first plant and add 50W per additional plant. Well this is partially true, cause it depends, how will you hang those lamps, will you train your plants, will you have 4x25W or 3x30.
So if you want to have just a simple grow, if you will train a plant to be not taller than 50-60cm and if you will switch to flower not later than 5-7weeks after seed sprouted get yourself 6-8 bulbs of 25w, or 5-6x30W and hang around those plants as close as you can, 1-3 inches is your goal you should be alright.
But a question "will 3x30w work?" cannot be answered(in most cases it won't), due to missing details like what strains do you have? what are their characteristics? how much space have you got? how much money are you willing to spend? how soon you want to harvest? how many grams you are willing to harvest, I could go on

EDIT: Also make sure you will buy proper color lamps: that is 2700K for flower and 6400K for veg. I saw people claiming that plant vegged alright with 5000K, but make sure you will not get 4000K, cause that is waste of electricity and plant benefits very little from it both in veg and flower periods