growin from seed

ive got some seeds, i thought about putting them in the wet paper towel to germinate them...and then i had some people tell me that i should just put it straight into the soil and let it grow from there.

what are the opinions guys?

any help or words would be good.

been growin about a year but its always been from clones...never messed to much with seeds
Go straight to soil, keep it moist and in a warm dark place....Dontplant to deep,about 1/4 inch.Should break groundin 5-7 days
Putting strait into the soil for me failed. I have done this only the once, but I over watered it and the seed turned to mush. The paper towel technique is a good one for beginners. Just make the paper towel DAMP don't soak it. Once the little white taproot gets to about 1cm in length from the seed casing, just place into the soil.
I have two babies I started from seed I planted them to deep at first but after a few days I poked around with a toothpick and they had tap roots so I re-planted closer to the top and seem to be doing just fine but every thread I post no one has anything to say about them it took five days for both to sprout but keeping them warm is a must I never knew that cause I have always read cool moist dark so its really warm dark moist I actually put my aerogarden light on to warm the soil for a little bit but if anyone would like to see them quote this message and I will post a pic they are about five days old
I've always used rapid rooter plugs and kept them warm and saturated with high humidity. Usually no more than 2 days and the seedlings are standing straight up out of the plugs.
I have had great success just soaking in dist water for 12 hours and right into soil. Then I place them in plastic tub and place that into a plasic bag and put on heat mat with thermostat set to 85 88. I always got 9/10 or 10/10. Now I am trying rapid rooters drenched with water and placed on a bed of rock wool cubes that have been soaked down so that water is running out of em inside a one quart glad food container with 6 holes for air, then on to the mat cover with towel and results have been 7/10 for motarebl herijuana, 1/10 for woodhorse herijuana, 10/10 motarebl misty blue, 5/10 cbf cripleberry, woodhorse ubc chemo original 10/10, 10/10 for two of my mk ultra x blue himalaya that I bred. The fresher the seed the better they germ. Some indo strains like woodhorse Herijuana are not easy to germ and I have had several people tell me they have had the same problems not getting any! I soaked mine in water and karma to get em out. One more is almost up so I may get 2/10. The first time I got 0/10 and I have spouted about 600 seeds in four years just to help others and prove my methods work. If you go straight to soil soak the soil until water runs out well, place seed on top then cover with a pinch of soil, then wrap that bitch in a bag for three days good and place somewhere constantly warm and watch what happens. They will pop like popcorn especially is you presoak in dist water for 8-12 hours or they sink. Two drops of karma in one cup of water seems to make good seeds germ and break surface much faster. I fucking love seeds and breeding them it is so cool to see em go from seed to bud. Now I breed for fem seed to save time and the results are sometimes stronger super stone to the brain and bone. My next cross is Apollo x Herijuana should be whackadoo.
I almost forgot if you have a chest freezer take side door off for compressor and place seeds in there. I germed seeds this way for three years and it works like a charm in the winter and spring, in summer I just put em in garage in a bag in a box. Same methods soil and some in root riots just to see the results.
Jiffy pellets seem to work fine for me, they're cheap, simple, and come with a small green house. Do what suits you best and best of luck with your grow :)
ive got some seeds, i thought about putting them in the wet paper towel to germinate them...and then i had some people tell me that i should just put it straight into the soil and let it grow from there.

what are the opinions guys?

any help or words would be good.

been growin about a year but its always been from clones...never messed to much with seeds
Depends, if its bag seed or seed bank seeds.
I would use the (2) seed viability test with bag seed. Soak till they drop to the bottom of the cup, and paper towel germination.
the seed bank seeds have almost a 100% germination rate, depending on age and how you stored them. I sow these right to soil. I can get them to sprout in 3 days. The biggest mistake people make is sowing them to deep. Just barely under the soil. The second mistake is to much water. You just want the soil moist, not soaking wet. One good watering before you sow your seed. Never water after you sow your seed. You can loose your seed from the water passing over it. It drives it down in the pot more.
plant directly into the finishing pot. less handling and less chance of fuck up. most people fail when sowing in soil because they plant the seed to
deeply. GL
i heard a 1/4 of an inch from the top so thats what i was going to do. i figure not to over water it ill water it pretty good before and then put the seed in and hope that it sprouts lol
I dont think its recommended to add nutes until later. When I grew in soil I would add a very weak plant starter mix to the soil before planting. I did germinate my seeds in paper towel just because I wanted to see them sprout and I would get impatient if directly in dirt and start poking around lol. I am doing hydro now so RW cubes.
i thought about doing hydro but idk yett. ive been doing soil for about a year now. i guess it is about that time to start something new. ive also always used the fox farm line and i think i want to try a different line. i know theres better just not sure which ones.
i thought about doing hydro but idk yett. ive been doing soil for about a year now. i guess it is about that time to start something new. ive also always used the fox farm line and i think i want to try a different line. i know theres better just not sure which ones.​

I stop using soil this year and with hydro my yields are way bigger and faster. I now do 12 hour from seed and run 3 trays. Harvest every 3-6 weeks typically. Hydro is not for the faint of heart when first starting lol. I was expecting to find the girls dead every day for the first couple of grows lol. But I am glad I switched and got rid of the pails and dirt and bugs lol. also lots more room in grow. And is there better nutes than what your using? I keep going back to the ones I started with as I didnt notice a big difference and my nutes are quite cheap compared to most of the better known ones. In my opinion if high temps are an issue then hydro has some real draw backs re: res temps. This is a pic of my first hydro grow with 2 weeks to go before I harvested. The total take including the small hash buds was 410g 121110-0836-51.jpg
i heard a 1/4 of an inch from the top so thats what i was going to do. i figure not to over water it ill water it pretty good before and then put the seed in and hope that it sprouts lol

i plant no deeper than an eighth of an inch. water the soil a couple of days before planting the seed. that way the soil will be damp and not soaked. GL
I think i'm gonna try Hydro once i get some money to play with. ive heard hydro can go wrong so quick so i get pretty worried. they soil soil is forgiving so i might stick with it a lil longer till i can get some more knowledge and experience under my belt. Aeroponics though, i hear thats where its at but its harder than hydro for sure.
Aero I believe can cost a bit more than hydro with the high pressure pumps and nozzles and things can go bad with one plugged nozzle. My system cost less than $100 with water pump included. I find it way easier to maintain things because I can monitor everything. Thats not to say I have not had issues lol. As for the money you are actually saving money by speeding things up and getting more for the same amount of power (except pump). Give it a go and you won't regret it.