Not 100%
bleach doesnt even kill 100%
the only sure fire way is to fight fire with fire = bactiria vs bactiria
Bleach will definitely kill 100%. H2o2 will if you use enough. Just don't want to kill the plants in the process. I need to paint the walls with Killz paint.
Well, all my roots look good. All systems at 2 ml per gallon daily.
Got my coco system running. Noticed they grew almost instantly when I fertilized them, literally an hour later noticed new tips. Awesome shit, that coco. Water runs right through it like it isnt there. I have drip pans for the coco pots. I put grates over them to hold the pots up. Put some bleach water in the drip pans. Hydro dude said to water them once a day with about a cup of run off per pot. Will setup drippers tomorrow. Automate everything.
Running the coco at 550 ppm solution ph'd at 5.7, drain to waste. Should be no problems whatsoever with it.
I have some mothers in coco based potting soil. They have not been affected at all. Just those in hydro. Growing Black licorice (my own strain) OG Kush, TrainWreck and LA Confidential.
I have had a hard time this last year. Went through a year of Hep C treatment, was half dead for a full year. Is almost like having chemo. That's when the rot hit me. Just now getting the strength back to deal with this shit.