are there words of wisdom you live by?


Well-Known Member
Sure a lot of good sayings :
Mom used to say “ I felt bad because I had no shoes until I met someone who had no feet “
Dad used to say “ treat people good on your way up and they will treat you good on your way down “
And when I started dating Mom said for me to keep in mind Noassatall ( no ass at all ) that one I should have paid closer attention to .
And Huel I like the 5-- 2's

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
"love God with all your heart....all your soul.....and all your might......
--and love your neighbor as yourself....thru this all the law and the prophets are fulfilled .... would do good to follow the royal law"

and fk the NWO! ....haters!


Well-Known Member
"Better to keep your mouth shut, and appear the fool; than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." and "You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar." <---- Two highly useful thoughts, despite how hard they are to apply.


Active Member
Does Minarchist Libertarianism endorse the private ownership of militaries and judicial systems?
Those are part of the few things a government should do (in a perfect world anyway).

My personal opinion (and this not many people like) is that all borders should be scrapped, no passports should be needed and there should only be one form of credit/money on the planet.
Law enforcement should only be there to uphold individual rights, not an institutions.

NWO if you want to call it that, I prefer to call it rational world order.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
some good ones on here.

A wise man once said "drugs are bad mmkay" I try to live by that. Another one i like "fuck bitches get money" not in a sexual way but forget about em. these two sayings are pretty important if you want to stay up financially.


Well-Known Member
Those are part of the few things a government should do (in a perfect world anyway).

My personal opinion (and this not many people like) is that all borders should be scrapped, no passports should be needed and there should only be one form of credit/money on the planet.
Law enforcement should only be there to uphold individual rights, not an institutions.

NWO if you want to call it that, I prefer to call it rational world order.
An idealistic utopia, while practically impossible given our current state, would be awesome. I'm not opposed to it. If you can find a way to make it happen within my lifetime (In a practical way.), let me know.


Well-Known Member
I guess I live by this because it happens all of the time.

You snooze you loose!

And a favorite classic.

Cops are not your friends