Open Season on Illegal Immigrants


Well-Known Member
Only the government unions (including city and state) as well as the teachers unions. They have to go.
I'm ok with people having the right to collectively bargain for their services, I'm not ok with people in public unions being able to negotiate future compensation such as health care and pensions on the backs of tax payers. Civil workers are public servants and serve at the public's discretion. This includes teachers, firemen and police. It's morally wrong to give something to somebody for a service knowing it's the next generation that has to pay for it. 83% of the budget for Detroit's fire/rescue and police goes to legacy costs. This is unsustainable yet by design it will only grow.

Collective bargaining for wages while performing a requested service OK, bargaining for future payments while no longer performing those services requiring the next generation that did not benefit nor request your service is not OK.


New Member
On top of the ridiculously small sequester substantial cuts should be made by bringing government worker
salaries inline with the equivalent salary for the same job in the private sector. Why should the people paying the salary
have to pay more than they make for a equivalent job. Teacher tenure should be about the first thing to go while busting the Unions.
Its not surprising we pay more per student than any country in the world but have half ass schools. We cant even fire shitty teachers.


Well-Known Member
On top of the ridiculously small sequester substantial cuts should be made by bringing government worker
salaries inline with the equivalent salary for the same job in the private sector. Why should the people paying the salary
have to pay more than they make for a equivalent job
. Teacher tenure should be about the first thing to go while busting the Unions.
Its not surprising we pay more per student than any country in the world but have half ass schools. We cant even fire shitty teachers.
On average public workers get lower pay and better benefits

Yes We should be able to fire teachers for political or religous reasons fucking teachers need to teach creationism and fuck multiculturism in the ass

ZOMG Unions support pro labor candidates!!



Well-Known Member
I'd rather ask the unemployed/underemployed, skilled construction workers if they'd prefer to have jobs that are being filled with illegals. These people ARE dying to do those jobs. I certainly hope there isn't ANYONE on this forum stupid enough to fall for your intentional and deceptive focus on what is only a fraction of jobs that illegals occupy.

Painters, tilers, drywallers, carpenters, landscapers, roofers, carpet layers, masons and so many more are all affected dramatically by illegal labor. Not to mention how their very presence allows employers to keep the wages of legal employees down. "Shut the fuck up and work for this or I'll get two illegals to replace you"*

Why do you hate hard working U.S. citizens so much?
are the illegals coming after your curtain hanging jobs now, nancy?

are you that incompetent at hanging fucking curtains?

my dad does interior renovations in phoenix and is not hurting for work. why? because he is competent.

if you can't keep up with an illegal, they win. they work harder than you and for less. deal with it.

or join a union where you will enjoy protections galore and high wages with good bennies.

maybe form your own local curtain hanger's union, sweetie.


Well-Known Member
On average public workers get lower pay and better benefits

Yes We should be able to fire teachers for political or religous reasons fucking teachers need to teach creationism and fuck multiculturism in the ass

ZOMG Unions support pro labor candidates!!

One line is different than the other three, can you spot the difference?



Well-Known Member
are the illegals coming after your curtain hanging jobs now, nancy?

are you that incompetent at hanging fucking curtains?

my dad does interior renovations in phoenix and is not hurting for work. why? because he is competent.

if you can't keep up with an illegal, they win. they work harder than you and for less. deal with it.

or join a union where you will enjoy protections galore and high wages with good bennies.

maybe form your own local curtain hanger's union, sweetie.
No, my blind and plantation shutter business is bordering on a full-time business, despite my constant efforts to keep it part-time. Thanks for your concern.

So, your grand answer to craftsman who have lost the ability to support their families because of illegals that can be paid a substandard wage is, you're just not good enough at your job? What if they're actually far more skilled? What then Skippy?

Just deal with it? Losing your job to someone who isn't even a citizen or even here legally is just tough cookies in your deranged little utopia? Your responses are laughable when you actually engage in the topic at hand instead of just marginalizing your opponent. They also reveal a total absence of devotion to your fellow countrymen. You really are a fucking loser. Stick to posting irrelevant pictures and calling everyone racists, it's really the only two things you do well.

Or fall back on your new crutch. Tell us about the election results again, it really is like watching a monkey try to fuck a doorknob.


Well-Known Member
No, my blind and plantation shutter business is bordering on a full-time business, despite my constant efforts to keep it part-time. Thanks for your concern.

So, your grand answer to craftsman who have lost the ability to support their families because of illegals that can be paid a substandard wage is, you're just not good enough at your job? What if they're actually far more skilled? What then Skippy?

Just deal with it? Losing your job to someone who isn't even a citizen or even here legally is just tough cookies in your deranged little utopia? Your responses are laughable when you actually engage in the topic at hand instead of just marginalizing your opponent. They also reveal a total absence of devotion to your fellow countrymen. You really are a fucking loser. Stick to posting irrelevant pictures and calling everyone racists, it's really the only two things you do well.

Or fall back on your new crutch. Tell us about the election results again, it really is like watching a monkey try to fuck a doorknob.
can't even compete with illegal immigrant labor? you suck. find a new job.

it's not a problem for competent craftsmen.

congrats on the curtain hanging biz.


Well-Known Member
too bad that misleading pile of crap from the CATO institute is still bullshit.

notice how the horizontal axis is manipulated? of course you don't, you're an idiot who can barely get out a sentence in english.

anyhoo, here is another representation of the same graph:

HAHA this is all you have? A self admitted manipulated graph that is measured differently than the graph posted? Why don't you post something fucking creditable instead of a how to site on manipulating graphs.


Well-Known Member
Hey racists

The USA is moving on without you are welcome to stay back in the 19th century
we will still laugh at you


Well-Known Member
HAHA this is all you have? A self admitted manipulated graph that is measured differently than the graph posted? Why don't you post something fucking creditable instead of a how to site on manipulating graphs.
that's the point. CATO manipulated their graph too, princess.

you don't honestly believe that metrics stay so static over 40 years, do ya?

oh, wait. forgot where you received your "education". my condolences.


Well-Known Member
that's the point. CATO manipulated their graph too, princess.

you don't honestly believe that metrics stay so static over 40 years, do ya?

oh, wait. forgot where you received your "education". my condolences.
He never once said that. He also got called on his questionable tactics about how his art in manipulating graphs to discredit someone instead of showing any real proof. So I ask again do you have anything creditable or just some fucking blog? It's all pretty obvious to everyone else that we're spending a shit load more money and not getting miracle kids so please show us how you can bend reality.

never mind no need to answer this guy is totally fucking credible because you read his website.



Well-Known Member
He never once said that. He also got called on his questionable tactics about how his art in manipulating graphs to discredit someone instead of showing any real proof. So I ask again do you have anything creditable or just some fucking blog? It's all pretty obvious to everyone else that we're spending a shit load more money and not getting miracle kids so please show us how you can bend reality.

and the CATO institute is just a bastion of credibility, isn't it?

you're really not too bright. hence the sig.


Well-Known Member
it's the CATO institute, you goddamn retard.

it's a libertarian "think tank" funded by the koch brothers. a more accurate description would be "propaganda mill".

but you're not too bright and don't realize this, naturally.
Nice work on deflecting while quoting a the link that shows their chart to be accurate. So you want to post a blog to refute that as well? It's becoming very obvious that nothing you say is correct bucky why don't you make a chart on that for us or better yet post a blog about it.


Well-Known Member

a quick look at the numbers paints a much different picture than the CATO propaganda folks put out.

total expenditure in 1970 (in 2001 dollars) per student is 4,352. that goes up to 8,726 30 years later.

whereas if you look at your retarded CATO propaganda graph, it basically triples in cost over the same time.

thanks for debunking your own bullshit, ya whiny bigoted retard!

Lol yeah bucky the money per pupil is fake it has not increased fucking dramatically inflation rate. /sarcasm Got any good blogs to prove your point?


Well-Known Member
This "I don't trust anyone but blogs" bullshit is getting old.
at least the blog guy explains his methodology and you can check it yourself to verify it.

that's more than you can say for coulson and the CATO cocksuckers. they give no clue as to their methodology and their numbers don't match up to anything.

also, you have a vagina.


Well-Known Member

i'm surprised a gaylord like coulson could restrain himself so.

if he wanted to, he could have made the right axis go from -100% to 900% and really make those metrics look deceptively flat!

not to mention he could have narrowed the range on the left horizontal axis, making the spending on education look as if it is absurdly out of control!

i mean, you (nontheist) are a clear example of how educating some children is a complete waste of money! why not let the graph show it?

too bad for internet gaylords like coulson and nontheist that people like me and this random blogger exist, and that we understand when graphs are manipulated, and are happy to deomnstrate what the graph would look like with appropriate parameters and a full explanation of methodology!

here is what that looks like:



Well-Known Member

i'm surprised a gaylord like coulson could restrain himself so.

if he wanted to, he could have made the right axis go from -100% to 900% and really make those metrics look deceptively flat!

not to mention he could have narrowed the range on the left horizontal axis, making the spending on education look as if it is absurdly out of control!

i mean, you (nontheist) are a clear example of how educating some children is a complete waste of money! why not let the graph show it?

too bad for internet gaylords like coulson and nontheist that people like me and this random blogger exist, and that we understand when graphs are manipulated, and are happy to deomnstrate what the graph would look like with appropriate parameters and a full explanation of methodology!

here is what that looks like:

You still flapping about a blog on manipulating data? He never once said Cato was incorrect, all you have is a fine way to manipulate data and make a different chart. He said that himself. So move to the next blog you're wasting everyone's time.

Quote: Two commenters misunderstood my point even with the phrase "manipulate the data" in the first sentence of this paragraph. So maybe I should make clear that, yes, the figure I prepared isalso a demonstration of what not to do.