Well-Known Member
That is not objective towards cannabis in particular though is it?
Also if you care to read the whole article properly instead of taking sections out of context to fit the agenda you'd notice that it is referring to SPLASHED pool water on plants or plants in the surrounding area, chlorine fucks plants regardless what you believe.
"Gardeners should not worry about chlorine damage to their plants by water splashing over the edge of their pool. According to a Clemson University study, pool water splashed on nearby plants from normal pool use should have no effect. The study also stated that larger plants could tolerate the recommended concentrations of chlorine for pool water. However, spas, or pools with a higher then recommended amount of chlorine may pose a risk to plants from water that splashes over the edge. Although most plants are tolerant of chlorine in modest amounts some plants are more chlorine intolerant than others. Avocados, stone fruits, and grapevines are particularly sensitive to chlorine and can show toxicity even when chloride concentrations are low in the soil."
Read what it says, not what you THINK it says.
Just because you don't perceive any health problems in your crop doesn't mean there aren't any.
I could tell you that the sweetener in Coca-Cola 'Aspartame' directly causes cancer but no doubt you'll carry on drinking Coca-Cola because you don't have cancer right?
Please, you haven't grown 1 plant yet as good as ANY of mine!
objective towards cannabis?
i actually expected better from you tbh, lol, you may be able to fire 1 plant insults at ice, but i been doing this long enough to be able to show results from my 'old grows' ive had 16.5oz off 1 plant using 'instant water' no def's no fuck all, plants need chlorine, and yes i said plants, not cannabis, it's only at high levels it's a problem, and as for smell, i drink the stuff, and cant say i have ever sniffed at it thinking fuck there's alot of chlorine in that, maybe i'm just lucky, maybe your water is just shit.
As for coca cola, i have known about aspartame for years, and no, i dont drink it, what the fuck has this to do with me watering my 'PLANTS' with reg tap water?
get over it mate, tap water is FINE, and my plants dont show any problems when i use it, and havent for years, but i guess if you say it's bad, then it's bad right?