Yeah right.
profit sharing
I'm glad you do. Genuinely.
Not if you make it because you figured out a way to ensure you keep 95% of the profits while all the workers and people it took to create your product compete over the remaining 5%.
Example Please??????????? cause I have NEVER heard of anyone making that kind of profit especially if your in one of Obamas UNIONS. the unions or workers broke GM and broke Dodge.
If this was a classroom and a student wanted to have a bake sale, it would be similar to to her selling $200 worth of baked goods and me, as the teacher, keeping $195 because I convinced the administration the proceeds would go to charity. Anyone who claims the situation is different has yet to explain HOW it is different. Workers create the product, and see a fraction of the profits. Wages have shifted from a reasonable middle class wage, able to afford a house, a couple kids, a college education and a decent car, to a seemingly exponential CEO wage, where middle class people struggle to pay for basic needs, like milk, butter and eggs. Forget about your kids college fund, because it's on the back burner until the bills get paid.. Theirs keeps rising while ours stays stagnant. Why? How? Fair? Reasonable?
APPLES AND ORANGES AGAIN. Give me a real life example of this. Not some BS you have come up with cause you THINK thats how it is.
It blows my mind how even some middle class people (like CS) can see this stuff and still remain on the wrong side of the argument. The poor who hope the system stays the same so that they can one day make it themselves and be a big shot with a ton of money whose able to look back at everyone else and feel superior because they were "smart enough" to make it in such a fucked up system.. It's clear as day at this point the entire system is rigged against any hardworking blue collar family, and you have to be one immoral sick fuck to be a part of such a system and fuck over your fellow citizen, your neighbor, just to get more of the pie for yourself. They should have a word for such disgusting people.
I can tell you have NEVER owned any kind of business that has to deal with the government.
Currently the USA has one of the HIGHEST Corporate Income taxes rates in the WORLD.
Oh Man you really have no idea what the fuk you are talking about. This guy is Just a Kid brainwashed by the left.
Racism was the key to the social movement to oppose FDR's New Deal (conservatism) since it was necessary to convince the middle class to vote against their own interests.
Honestly, dude.. from your history on this forum, my impression of you is that you're a terrible person, only interested in securing your own future, not concerned with anyone but yourself. If someone has found a way to screw over 60% of the rest of the country, it's because he was smart enough to do it! This is someone we should look up to according to you and your philosophy.
This is funny to me, because it sounds like you are brainwashed with Progressive soup.
If and when we stop acting like such busy bodies and only so worried about excoriating others with a self-defined blame game; only then can we get to the enlightened self interest that we inherited from the Founders.
You can't jack this into some sort of Charity State. That's not the Constitution. Self interest, freedom of expression and not to care one whit about these stupid theories is where I live. Freedom from you.
Make "immediate" the second-last word, and yes. cn
Uh oh. I think you made his terrible person list.
It's not a metaphor, it's the truth. Poker is too hard. It doesn't favor the player as much as you want. It's unfair. Those casinos are part of the problem. The disparity between the house and player is unacceptable. We need government to step in to even the playing field. Corrupt bastards.
But, the new deal was such a fraud, from a fraud President that would not have been elected, had he stood up and tried to tell the truth from crutches.
And yes, there is racism, and FDR was an appeaser of Hitler. That kind of racism was what FDR proposed. Help the Blacks, but, turn down the Jews from Europe. Don't send them anywhere, just don't let them come here. Oh, if you are a rocket scientist, it's OK. Just a wandering jew? We already have black people.
Double dipped the depression because he was born an elitist and was rejected from his social standing.
A wannabe that lashed out at his social group for that rejection and had to fraud WE to get it done. It's why we have the 22 A. And only in crazyland do we see these frauds as a good thing.
I don't have your optimism. I don't think we're healing. i think we're third-century Rome, headed for a bad time. cn