every once in a while someone must inject a little reality into the childish fantasies of utopian daydreamers. i try to do my part in this, but it is difficult when faced with the sort of tripe in the OP. by oversimplifying economic realities that video served only to embolden the ignorant, giving them a false sense of their own intelligence. the fact that our economy consists of trillions of dollars seems to have been glossed over. it might not seem important, but that means that our poor might be considered wealthy beyond the wildest dreams of people only 100 years ago or only a few miles away. another thing conveniently ignored was the definition of wealth and what exactly that wealth is doing. does anyone believe that any member of that 1% y'all keep harping about has a billion dollars laying about in their coffers or even a paltry million? no; that wealth, though it belongs to them, is primarily tied up in investments that provide for the other 99%. the industry that keeps our population employed did not magically appear nor was it created by politicians or ivory tower do-nothings. it all came to be because someone somewhere down the line gambled their earnings, reputation and fate on the outcome of the enterprise. risk is always the one link in the chain that is ignored by the envious mob.
another of those things curiously missing from the grand socialist equation that damns capitalism at every turn is history. an honest look at history shows us that the inequalities touted by anti-capitalists is nothing when compared to the abuses of the past. only two hundred years ago or so that 1% would have been .001% and the inequalities wouldn't have just been a matter of wealth. economic power, religious power, political power and even the power over life and death was held in the hands of a very few. the experiment of our relatively unencumbered capitalist society coupled with a limited form of democracy has proven to be the single most egalitarian society known to man. that a portion of the dreaded 1% started with little and built an empire should be evidence enough of that. in fact, if we look back far enough we'll find that nearly every member of that exclusive club had someone that started the ball rolling with little more than you probably have in your pockets right now. all that the whiners seem to care about is what those few have right now, not all that went into building it.
as a final little jab at the ignorant who insist on deriding the very system that has given them all they have, i just have to share the giggle i got when that even bar of wealth was shown as the outcome of "socialism". is anyone naive enough to believe that garbage? an elite will develop in any society and they will attempt to gather as much to them as they can. the fallacy of socialist equality denies human nature. the notion of "total" equality itself denies human nature. the best we can hope for is to create competing sets of elites and keep them vying for the attention of the masses, but the threat of modern liberalism does its best to do away with even that slim hope. by demanding government step in and equalize the natural economic inequalities, the fools consolidate ever more power into the hands of those we already know can't be trusted. the outcome will be what it always must be, the combined economic and political power of the nation placed in the hands of an elite we cannot depose - the new .001%................