It isn't about being against capitalism or hating "job creators" just because they're wealthy, it's about the balance and what is right.
really??? another half-assed video by another simpleton???? if this describes the way you really feel, then you're a perfect example of the sort of ignorance that is the true cause of the failure of capitalism. the failure doesn't lie with those who make the system work for them, it lies with those who don't understand that life
is a struggle. we aren't supposed to simply elect folks to run the world and sit back waiting for it all to fall into place. we gain our comfort and security through our labors and even hard work doesn't guarantee us the ease we all desire. it's rather humorous that the very people who have, through their own indolence, handed the political machine the sort of power that enables abuse, should whine when their representatives sell off that power to the highest bidder. what exactly did you expect would happen when you turned over the power that rightfully belongs to the people themselves to a bunch of power hungry political animals? and instead of learning from those mistakes, the ignorant mob insists that abdicating more of the people's control over their lives is going to fix the mess they've already made.
balance and what is right? when has humanity ever made that their highest priority? balance is what we strive for each and every day. it isn't something that just happens or can be forced. what is right, a meaningless term to begin with, is what each of us should be trying to accomplish for ourselves. it isn't what we force others to do and it certainly isn't a universal constant. saying it isn't about being against capitalism or "job creators" is easy, but it's a lie. it's all about despising those who succeed, even though that is the whole point. when that fool in this latest childish video complains about slavery, what he is really complaining about is the necessity of having to make your own way in this world and the envy of those who have managed to do so more efficiently than most. mom and pop didn't have to go the way of the dinosaur, but the ignorant mob wanted the easy way and mom and pop were simply too difficult. McD's didn't force us to eat their worthless burgers and fries, but the ignorant mob would rather take a trip to the drive through than go to all the trouble of actually preparing a meal. we want it all and we want it now, so we have paid the price for our eternal quest for convenience. we have created an entire culture that prizes the easy way out and should be willing to accept the consequence of having to pay those who are able to place it all in our greedy little maws.
don't like the consequences? then change your own lifestyle before demanding that those who gave you exactly what you wanted hand over what you willingly gave them. don't like huge corporations gaining control over your representatives? then reduce the power of those representatives, making them useless to those corporations and less able to abuse your trust. don't like spending your life as an indentured servant to "the man"? then take the risk, strike out on your own and
make your own way in the world. of course, the vast majority of the ignorant mob isn't going to do any of these things. they are going to sit and whine about their lot in life, even though their lot in life is of their own making. they are going to demand that those who
did make life work for them re-establish some sort of balance and do what is right
(according to the whims of the unwashed masses). they are going to do what is wrong in order to make themselves a little more comfortable.