Wealth distribution in the US


Well-Known Member
You stupid fuck get out in the real world. Any facts presented to you over and over go ignored. I worked for a corporation who had its head so far up its ass the CEO wondered why it was always dark when he looked out the window. I warned them 5 years ago about the problems they are encountering today but they were too busy giving each other bonuses and bailing their buddies out of multiple sexual harrasment lawsuits. My old DM used to have rooms booked at 4 star hotels for a meeting in the city when he lived an hour drive away. Corporate meetings are binge drinking affairs and they have the balls to keep wages at 25c above minimum wage to say they are ahead of the curve. They also cut insurance increased copays and cut hours. Still they get bonuses every year. Last quarter posted a huge loss. Still getting bonuses.

DOER and NLSXK1 and all the others who defend the status quo either refuse to believe these real life accounts or are part of that class that derives its wealth and success by skimming off of their workers fair pay.
I can show you the same behavior in government.

The difference is the corporation you worked for sold it's products to the public voluntarily where the government confiscates my income to spend on the parties they throw.

Why dont you try to get your head out of your own ass and discover why your opinions smell like shit...


Well-Known Member
your statement that we left the UK because of taxation is so incredibly retarded and wrong that there is nothing to debate.
Here ya go dumb Buck

You and little followers can learn something today. Which I already knew that you are just a blow hard and don't know near what you think you know.

Dating from the early 18th century through the French and Indian War (1754-1763), the growing colonies began to resent British rule and control. The colonists were being TAXED, restricted in their trade, and subjected to laws they had no say in writing. Following the Boston Massacre of protesters (1770), general dissatisfaction grew. New taxes led to the Boston Tea Party (1773), after which some colonial legislatures lost their power and the number of British troops was increased. Tensions escalated into actual conflict at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775.


Well-Known Member
What you say is true Hemlock be we left England way before that. History is open to interpretation but most of the colonialists came here for religious freedom. They left the king and the Church of England. The tax issues came later.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Some people came to hunt Wooly Mammoths and Walrus.

Later others came for "freedom" and hoped to gain it by using slaves to build a society for them on the land they stole from other people. Now everybody is "equal", we're all slaves.


Well-Known Member
You stupid fuck get out in the real world. Any facts presented to you over and over go ignored. I worked for a corporation who had its head so far up its ass the CEO wondered why it was always dark when he looked out the window. I warned them 5 years ago about the problems they are encountering today but they were too busy giving each other bonuses and bailing their buddies out of multiple sexual harrasment lawsuits. My old DM used to have rooms booked at 4 star hotels for a meeting in the city when he lived an hour drive away. Corporate meetings are binge drinking affairs and they have the balls to keep wages at 25c above minimum wage to say they are ahead of the curve. They also cut insurance increased copays and cut hours. Still they get bonuses every year. Last quarter posted a huge loss. Still getting bonuses.

DOER and NLSXK1 and all the others who defend the status quo either refuse to believe these real life accounts or are part of that class that derives its wealth and success by skimming off of their workers fair pay.

nobody puts a gun to your head to work for 25c above minimum wage...you/they willingly entered into an agreement considered beneficial to both parties...and if you/they don't like it create your own or go work for another company...but complaining about the barely minimum wage folks get for low skilled positions (even forklift operators tend to make around 12-14/hr where I am at) is useless, not every job in the world deserves a livable wage.

Since when should the grocery bagger make as much as the architect who designed the grocery store?


Well-Known Member
What you say is true Hemlock be we left England way before that. History is open to interpretation but most of the colonialists came here for religious freedom. They left the king and the Church of England. The tax issues came later.
That's right. Church of England is Catholic with the Monarch as Pope. Henry VIII said as much when he set it up.

And it was sects of Protestants got sent, or made off, escaped to the new world. But, in fact, Puritans were in charge of Parliament during the 1600s and many, many were sent here, not fled. I guess we should label them, Religion-Americans. But, not taxed individually for consumption.

-----------just look it up--------------

The British Parliament had controlled colonial trade and taxed imports and exports since 1660.[SUP][4][/SUP] By the 1760s the Americans were being deprived of a historic right.[SUP][5][/SUP] The English Bill of Rights 1689 had forbidden the imposition of taxes without the consent of Parliament.


Well-Known Member
What you say is true Hemlock be we left England way before that. History is open to interpretation but most of the colonialists came here for religious freedom. They left the king and the Church of England. The tax issues came later.
that was nowhere near as mean as i would have said it, but that'll do.


Well-Known Member
i have as much hate for you as i have for the iran-syria border.
Well, that's good to know. Equal hatin'. The Pesmerga get advance anti-air, next year to seal, we hope, the no-man land border between Syria and Iran. In the border land, there is Mousul. Iran would dearly love to mete out some payback there.

So, it's good to be afraid. Hate is only from fear.

Kissy, Kissy, smooch, smooch


Well-Known Member
Well, that's good to know. Equal hatin'. The Pesmerga get advance anti-air, next year to seal, we hope, the no-man land border between
Syria and Iran. In the border land, there is Mousul. Iran would dearly love to mete out some playback there.

So, it's good to be afraid. Hate is only from fear.

Kissy, Kissy, smooch, smooch

you're retarded.


Well-Known Member
Oh boy, here we go again.

Just when I thought we were having a good conversation, he starts the pillow talk....my stallion.


Well-Known Member
you two really should get a room. it's obvious bucky has a thing for you, so just go ahead and get it over with.


Well-Known Member
you two really should get a room. it's obvious bucky has a thing for you, so just go ahead and get it over with.
about 3 pages shorter than expected, but has just as much substance as one of your retarded, long winded, cranky old sorehead rants.