The UK Growers Thread!

im a water butter myself , the loft and buckets just ant gunna happen so ive rigged up a system of bunging a hose out the window and filling it that way

straight from the tap also works , i do this myself with all veg plants , in flower i use the butts though , makes life so much easier and yeah you cant half smell the chlorine when you fill the tub up , it stinks

Yes moggy we have a local lol. Yeh I'm a midlands boy I know there's a few folk in my area that grow but I don't know em so its hard to get chatting to them ya get me.yeh I leave my water out over night too but sometimes if I
In a rush they'll get strait tap water as close to room temp as I can get it
@fifegrower Temps wanna be 26 - no higher than 30 degrees C. And no lower than 20 at night sound like its a little too cool for.them try hoping the temps to around 28 degrees think that's about 85 F
I only use tap water, bit of hot and a bit of cold for watering, but I do let it stand if being used to germinate. Plants need a bit of chlorine, it's not all bad.
just my opinion but i think if you put hot water in a bucket and leave it to cool down most of the chlorine should have evaporated
av got a plant outside at freezing tempz, its not dead so thats a good sign but the groiwth is very stunted

indoors - 22-28 or summit

funny you should say that , i brought in 4 last night due to frosts , it was -2 here and i didnt want to risk it , there in a cheap shitty lean to greenhouse affair so get warm from the sun happily enough but its not great for night time and im not covering it over , hash plant by the way
having a shit day here , im sat waiting for a call back from an estate agent , were moving house and have to fill in the references bullshit , this is done online and the fuckers send a form , the form i filled in but found i couldnt progress further as its either a corrupt file or something is getting blocked ( i doubt this ) , cleaned out the history and cookies , requested the same link again and have got no-where quickly , the real kick in the balls is the ``its a new and convenient way of referencing `` ive been at this shit for about 3 hrs now and im rather fucked off with it all
i wouldnt top my bucket up with hot water,, its from the boiler NOT the mains, so its not gunna be as clean,, or clean so to speak.

morning guys.
Alright lads time to give up on the chlorinated water I think, many of us use it straight out of the tap and have done long enough to know it's not hurting anything, I used a brita filter for my first grow and half of the second one and gave up on it because I could only filter a couple of litres at a time and that soon grew old.
You'll notice with Yman that he'll argue and throw scientific links up to suite the argument regardless of if they're actually relevant or not and try and baffle you with science, after you've been around a while you'll realise he maybe book smart but that's sort of where it ends and that everything he says is gospel even if you know differently, there is no arguing with him, since he came on here he has said some stupid shit and then tried to back peddle, there's a few of us that know better than to listen unless taking it with a pinch of salt, I can think of several things he has come out with that prove he likes to think he knows more than he actually does, to summarise the guys a bit of a bellend lol
i wouldnt top my bucket up with hot water,, its from the boiler NOT the mains, so its not gunna be as clean,, or clean so to speak.

morning guys.

mine goes through the combi now so theres no shit getting collected from the old school boilers. i was just saying that i think the chlorine would evaporate quicker out of hot water. i dont do it myself because id have to have 3x 10L buckets of hot water sitting round. i might get an inline filter fitted one day but it would be for myself really, fuck giving my plants better than i have myself lol
Haha▲▲.......I still believe it depends were ya from on your water mine is terrible an like some one said you can smell the chlorine in the bucket so I always leave to stand sayin that tho many a time I have forgot an used straight from tap no bother just seen as it cost fuck all to let it sit why not? Even if it's a tiny difference in quality then it's better then nowt...
managed to get the form sort of filled in , not got a bastard clue if its worked , ive checked with the online checker and that tells me fuck all so im sat in limbo waiting for a call off a fella to confirm its happening , i wouldnt mind but this house is to cost me so much its surreal , the rents 1500 a month and theres the council tax at another 2500 a year , 20 grand a year im to pay and yet theres not fucker who can pick up the phone and say ``hello Mr ....... , how can we help , let me do this for you `` etc etc

as for water i dont mind or care , i offer advise , if this is enacted upon then fine but if not then thats also fine , if its questioned then fine , as long as its not ignored then im a happy camper , the info i impart is hard won and based on a mix of experience and common sense , the plants been around for millions of years and is called weed for a reason , aiming to have the very best grow is a target but its also easily swamped in piles of bullshit and miss information by egotistical dipshits who worry more about there sense of validity than the outcome offered to people , i hope im not that sort of dipshit

ok ill explain about a little set up ive got

its a shed set up , inside is a room which has 2 lights , a 250cfl and a 600 hps , 1 light is used at a time but you could run both if needed , to power this ...wellllllllllll its solar

on the roof is around 10 panels of 80w each , this is grid tied to inverters , given grid tied inverters are fuckin expensive ive gone for cheap chinese units and as such i run several , 2 panels are attached to each inverter making around 160 running through 250-300 inverters to be assured i wont overload them ( easily done ) , the lot is then run back into the ring main of the house , to the shed is 75 foot of plated wiring ( expensive ) , i can make therefore around the 800w or so but being honest the losses through the system mean a realistic 500-600w or so

inside i tend to grow autos

also of note is the lighting , the security lights are mains and solar , the solar are quite toss being honest so backed up with a 150 normal light , the alarm is also solar although the movement and keypads battery powered

ok ill explain about a little set up ive got

its a shed set up , inside is a room which has 2 lights , a 250cfl and a 600 hps , 1 light is used at a time but you could run both if needed , to power this ...wellllllllllll its solar

on the roof is around 10 panels of 80w each , this is grid tied to inverters , given grid tied inverters are fuckin expensive ive gone for cheap chinese units and as such i run several , 2 panels are attached to each inverter making around 160 running through 250-300 inverters to be assured i wont overload them ( easily done ) , the lot is then run back into the ring main of the house , to the shed is 75 foot of plated wiring ( expensive ) , i can make therefore around the 800w or so but being honest the losses through the system mean a realistic 500-600w or so

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inside i tend to grow autos

also of note is the lighting , the security lights are mains and solar , the solar are quite toss being honest so backed up with a 150 normal light , the alarm is also solar although the movement and keypads battery powered

looks good, but don't know if I'd be posting pics of my shed roof that obviously stands out from all other sheds, now the big eye in the sky knows exactly what it's lookin for, maybe I'm being a bit paranoid and its unlikely that anyone monitors this site but u may as well post a pic of the front of ur house ffs
yo pukka,

PUKKA BUD has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to PUKKA BUD again.

can't message you, can't rep you, so will just say it here.. check your mail bro ;)

Haha▲▲.......I still believe it depends were ya from on your water mine is terrible an like some one said you can smell the chlorine in the bucket so I always leave to stand sayin that tho many a time I have forgot an used straight from tap no bother just seen as it cost fuck all to let it sit why not? Even if it's a tiny difference in quality then it's better then nowt...
yo pukka,

PUKKA BUD has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to PUKKA BUD again.

can't message you, can't rep you, so will just say it here.. check your mail bro ;)

All sorted mate....
looks good, but don't know if I'd be posting pics of my shed roof that obviously stands out from all other sheds, now the big eye in the sky knows exactly what it's lookin for, maybe I'm being a bit paranoid and its unlikely that anyone monitors this site but u may as well post a pic of the front of ur house ffs

i dont mind , remember ive been moaning all morning about bloody reference forms , were moving so its nothing to worry over plus im not para about these things , nowt to do with me chopping them all yesterday :-P
funny you should say that , i brought in 4 last night due to frosts , it was -2 here and i didnt want to risk it , there in a cheap shitty lean to greenhouse affair so get warm from the sun happily enough but its not great for night time and im not covering it over , hash plant by the way
lol, my one outside was annoying dunno whats wrong with it so i threw it outside, an let my bigger one suck up the 250 hps. My little one does reach for the sun though when it actually comes out, an it droops at night just like it did in the tent.
who gives a fuck about the shed, lets see the harvest pics then.

there in the dark until 8 so ill get on it after then , i dry in the flower room , there next to the rhino , ive another one coming down though maybe today or tomorrow , its nebular a local clone , exactly like cheese but doesnt yeild quite as much but finishes a couple of weeks quicker , stinks like a bastard and fucks you up , i should grab a pic of that really