Fuck the system....

No anarchy. I just wish the world would adopt common sense. Cannabineer you are too wise to even argue with...

So, we are talking only about your version of common sense, correct? You discount all the common sense of common law over the last 1500 years. You discount the common sense of the Founders and all the sense that has gone into it, these last few hundred years.

And you present some neolithic concept about land ownership? So, this is how you define common sense? Not for me and everyone else in the land, bub. Everyone should just get over this stuff and/or get the hell out.
No anarchy. I just wish the world would adopt common sense. Cannabineer you are too wise to even argue with...

Weeden, I do appreciate the compliment even as I doubt its correctness.;)

The land ownership question interests me. I do believe deep down inside that granting and holding perpetual title to land and the assets under it is unsustainable. However I cannot come up with a practicable alternative. The bad thing about landownership is that it promotes monopolies and empire and the general evil of men toward other men. I am sensitive to abandon's argument that landownership may very well be a moral failure comparable to slavery.

We were landless nomads once, but that path is closed. We hold title to land now, with benefits and serious defects in that system. I imagine/hope that there will be a better way, but i cannot envision it.

I cannot come up with an alternative. It always boils down to one thing: who is in charge, and quis custodiet custodes? Any system that administers matters of power (and access to land and resources is the cornerstone of power) is corruptible as long as humans run it. There always are custodes, the folks with the final say. "We are a nation of laws and not men" is a bold statement but not quite right. The fact that not one banker is in federal ass-bleed prison after heisting billions confirms the incorrectness of the sentiment for me. cn
So, we are talking only about your version of common sense, correct? You discount all the common sense of common law over the last 1500 years. You discount the common sense of the Founders and all the sense that has gone into it, these last few hundred years.

And you present some neolithic concept about land ownership? So, this is how you define common sense? Not for me and everyone else in the land, bub. Everyone should just get over this stuff and/or get the hell out.

These so called "founders" didn't have it right to begin with anyway? Most of them owned slaves. Despite his great efforts, Lincoln still didn't believe africans had the same rights as whites; despite his efforts to abolish slavery. If you look back in history, we've always gotten things wrong. You realize one or two generations before slavery we were burning witches right?
So many flaws, in fact too many flaws to point out how the U.S. runs as a whole. But the thing that caused this rant is...

My roommate was fishing by himself, and among fishing gear and everything else, he decided to bring some cannabis. Wasn't driving, wasn't caught smoking it, nor selling it. Just sitting on the lake enjoying a bowl. Harmless right? Well, little did he know he was on private property and a police officer approached him. Got caught, got busted and lost his driver's license for a year.

Why isn't this the case when you are found publicly intoxicated by alcohol, or better yet, why don't molesters and perverts lose their license for driving to kids' houses and raping them? Or picking kids up and taking them places to do inappropriate acts? This world is really fucked up and our priorities have shifted immensely. Almost all sex offenders use vehicles to get to or from there destination, other than it being committed by a loved one such as a neighbor or family member.

Private property. And a cop will arrest you for marijuana possession if he catches you. Nothing confusing about that.

Publicly intoxicated people are taken to jail.

Who cares about a molesters/pervert's license. Put them in jail.

Your rant is kinda pointless.
The land owner? We are symbiotic with this earth, no one should own it.

Sorry Mitt, but I don't believe political scum knows what's best for me on any level. Law has the same effects as religion; it's just used to scare you into doing what they want.

this is among the reasons im leaving the country.

Go live in the 3rd world jungle and see how long you last before you catch malaria. Only place you are gonna be free from law.
Well my point is that there are more people in jail for cannabis than a lot of other things AND I can't even tell how many cases of sexual child abuse goes unpunished. I do social work and these fucks get probation; don't get me wrong most get what's coming to them but this issue was simply about possessing your drivers license. Not whether it was right for him to get in trouble.

Now, How much do you want to bet you'd be pissed if an officer took your license away for smoking bud? I'm sure you would think it was unfair. If you think you're "getting what you deserve" you're a sponge. You obviously didn't read all the comments about property on here but I bet you're a simple person. Then arrest him/cite him for trespassing.

Your opinion is kinda pointless.
There will never be a time where everyone works together.

There will be a time where all people are FORCED to work together but there will still be 3rd world countries.

Then we will never get on the right path. We are bacteria that destroys. Machines are replacing humans by the day. What happens when people can't buy things with money because machines have all the jobs? Rich vs. Poor amigo. All out status war.
Yes, because the people who own the machines will want noone out there to be able to buy their product.

A company is run by profit, they won't make product they can't sell.

You are having a paranoid panic attack.
It's funny how you're 4 or so posts in now and still have yet to give an intelligent answer. Having a bad day? Go kick your dog.

all he's saying is your spatting pointless shit that every single person on this forum already knows dude. like... machines will be the death of us, love not war, the fathers who founded.... blah blah blah. would it be nice if we lived in that kinda world? yes it would. will it happen? no not in your lifetime. soooooooooo.......
all he's saying is your spatting pointless shit that every single person on this forum already knows dude. like... machines will be the death of us, love not war, the fathers who founded.... blah blah blah. would it be nice if we lived in that kinda world? yes it would. will it happen? no not in your lifetime. soooooooooo.......

Pointless shit? Almost everything aside from my OP is a response. Wasn't saying machines will be the death of us, it's simple if you can step back from yourself. Didn't bring up founding fathers either. Replied to it. I know it must be easier to just let someone take care of everything for you. You ignant son.
These so called "founders" didn't have it right to begin with anyway? Most of them owned slaves. Despite his great efforts, Lincoln still didn't believe africans had the same rights as whites; despite his efforts to abolish slavery. If you look back in history, we've always gotten things wrong. You realize one or two generations before slavery we were burning witches right?

So, you will renounce your Citizenship and the take a time machine back to straighten them out?
Well my point is that there are more people in jail for cannabis than a lot of other things AND I can't even tell how many cases of sexual child abuse goes unpunished. I do social work and these fucks get probation; don't get me wrong most get what's coming to them but this issue was simply about possessing your drivers license. Not whether it was right for him to get in trouble.

Now, How much do you want to bet you'd be pissed if an officer took your license away for smoking bud? I'm sure you would think it was unfair. If you think you're "getting what you deserve" you're a sponge. You obviously didn't read all the comments about property on here but I bet you're a simple person. Then arrest him/cite him for trespassing.

Your opinion is kinda pointless.

Your whining is pointless. Have you been arrested? I have. Smoking pot at a Leon Russel concert and they so surprised me in the process they got to throw in resisting arrest.

I have no sympathy for you.