Fuck the system....

What I am doing is denying that the earth is alive in the current sense of that phrase ... that it is an organism with the implications of action and purpose. I consider the Gaia idea to be religious in nature, a modern robe for animism. I guess what i am saying is that if you want me to believe that the earth is indeed alive, how would you demonstrate the truth of that proposal?
My Romans 1:20 analogy wasn't to suggest you were sermonizing, but pointing out thet the Pauline letters used that rhetorical device to cow disagreement. I saw you basically saying "the earth is alive, and anyone who doesn't see that is an idiot". i am not an idiot, and yet i don't see the earth as alive. Oh it bears life upon it, but that idea cannot be acceptably phrased in a manner that implies the earth is a discrete organism. cn

LOl .....CN....thats good...I cant wait to see what kind of feed back you get on that.....Muahahah "In each and every mind, is a world within itself" And every world is different!
What I am doing is denying that the earth is alive in the current sense of that phrase ... that it is an organism with the implications of action and purpose. I consider the Gaia idea to be religious in nature, a modern robe for animism. I guess what i am saying is that if you want me to believe that the earth is indeed alive, how would you demonstrate the truth of that proposal?
My Romans 1:20 analogy wasn't to suggest you were sermonizing, but pointing out thet the Pauline letters used that rhetorical device to cow disagreement. I saw you basically saying "the earth is alive, and anyone who doesn't see that is an idiot". i am not an idiot, and yet i don't see the earth as alive. Oh it bears life upon it, but that idea cannot be acceptably phrased in a manner that implies the earth is a discrete organism. cn

Since the earth is clearly not lifeless, I made the subjective statement that "she is alive" and I don't really care how animistic or pagan or heathen or even Christian it seems to see the earth in such a way. However, I think that the many people who will disagree with this view can still see the merit of treating our planet in such a way. If they cannot, I do think they are idiots.

Furthermore, if someone can clearly see the merit of respecting the only planet we have yet focuses on the aspect of that respect which includes to some extent anthropomorphic views in order to call it fallacy is not someone I can reason with.

I am quite comfortable with the irrational position of respecting the earth as a living thing with rights.
this is among the reasons im leaving the country.

Hehe!, I've already done this once...and plan on doing so again.

You can always tell the amount of corruption within a police department by the quality of their equipment. If it's new, they are most likely receiving fed $$ for drug arrests.
Since the earth is clearly not lifeless, I made the subjective statement that "she is alive" and I don't really care how animistic or pagan or heathen or even Christian it seems to see the earth in such a way. However, I think that the many people who will disagree with this view can still see the merit of treating our planet in such a way. If they cannot, I do think they are idiots.

Furthermore, if someone can clearly see the merit of respecting the only planet we have yet focuses on the aspect of that respect which includes to some extent anthropomorphic views in order to call it fallacy is not someone I can reason with.

I am quite comfortable with the irrational position of respecting the earth as a living thing with rights.

A shame. We've had good discussions in the past. I didn't realize that my disagreeing with your admittedly nonrational stance would move you to say you cannot reason with me. Especially when reason is the thing I was asking. cn
I agree. The Earth has one Right and one Rule. Gavity will place the Earth in the way of collisions. These Collisions do rip it's ass off, or just maybe 1/2 the atmosphere. Or dump poisonous water everywhere or boil it away. Not if.

We want to get the DNA out of this gravity well, not worship our tomb. The Earth is our resource pile, not our Mother. We can't just sit here. Here is doomed.
So I should be allowed to build a house in your front yard? And I should be able to throw a party in your back yard? You think law was just some bullshit thought up to scare people into doing what they want? Isn't that the exact reason we invented laws in the first place; to provide some kind of level and fair playing field instead of letting the strongest just doing what they want?

As long as you bring the pot. If you knew me as a person, yes party on my yard. But I don't consume alcohol. If laws, didn't shift our ways of thinking, it may be ok to "party" where you'd like.
A shame. We've had good discussions in the past. I didn't realize that my disagreeing with your admittedly nonrational stance would move you to say you cannot reason with me. Especially when reason is the thing I was asking. cn

Don't let a debate get your spirits down! The amount of importance we place on anything, from the earth to money, is only viewed and judged by how we created that stigma to be. The earth doesn't have rights, but it deserves a certain level of reciprocity to allow the earth AND our species to thrive. Can we burn fires whenever we want? Sure. Should we drive around 10's of millions of cars to destroy the ozone, better yet, does it deserve that?

Now, we before I get the response " What should we just stop driving cars?" That's not what I meant. Simply, if we destroy this planet we have nothing else. Maybe Mars. I truly believe that the earth could be a living organism. Humans put so much importance on themselves it's funny. Like this universe is suppose to make sense to us; or that this was all created with us in mind. Silly. If you took an aliens view and looked at our planet we would look like bacteria or just something hosting off of this planet. Multiply, multiply, multiply. That's the only thing we've been consistent at.
Like maybe Earth is our seed pod and we are suppose to be out of here already. But, the thumb suckers only want to stay here, so we never spend enough money.
Don't let a debate get your spirits down! The amount of importance we place on anything, from the earth to money, is only viewed and judged by how we created that stigma to be. The earth doesn't have rights, but it deserves a certain level of reciprocity to allow the earth AND our species to thrive. Can we burn fires whenever we want? Sure. Should we drive around 10's of millions of cars to destroy the ozone, better yet, does it deserve that?

Now, we before I get the response " What should we just stop driving cars?" That's not what I meant. Simply, if we destroy this planet we have nothing else. Maybe Mars. I truly believe that the earth could be a living organism. Humans put so much importance on themselves it's funny. Like this universe is suppose to make sense to us; or that this was all created with us in mind. Silly. If you took an aliens view and looked at our planet we would look like bacteria or just something hosting off of this planet. Multiply, multiply, multiply. That's the only thing we've been consistent at.

I was avoiding that side of it, since of course I don't believe that we can treat the planetary surface any way we want without consequence. But I maintain that there is a big difference between saying "the earth has life" and "the earth is alive". I see the difference affecting how we develop our moral stance toward managing our exploitations of and relations to resources and environment. cn