The earth is alive and has rights. People who can't get this through their head need to get a clue. We need to become symbiotic with it. I believe that in order to do this, our species must cooperate.
I see no evidence of either. We must develop this ethos within and for ourselves imo.The earth is alive and has rights.
I have pondered it long and hard. I have clues, and I do not understand or accept point one. Don't go Romans 1:20 on us, "God made everything and only idiots can't see that".People who can't get this through their head need to get a clue.
That is not our nature.We need to become symbiotic with it.
I believe that in order to do this, our species must cooperate.
The land owner? We are symbiotic with this earth, no one should own it.
Sorry Mitt, but I don't believe political scum knows what's best for me on any level. Law has the same effects as religion; it's just used to scare you into doing what they want.
Hey let's not forget Durban Poison now!
So I should be allowed to build a house in your front yard? And I should be able to throw a party in your back yard? You think law was just some bullshit thought up to scare people into doing what they want? Isn't that the exact reason we invented laws in the first place; to provide some kind of level and fair playing field instead of letting the strongest just doing what they want?
Twist the system...
I see no evidence of either. We must develop this ethos within and for ourselves imo. I have pondered it long and hard. I have clues, and I do not understand or accept point one. Don't go Romans 1:20 on us, "God made everything and only idiots can't see that". That is not our nature.
I was hoping for more than a visceral/emotional argument raised to axiom by fiat. It's the same mistake of which the Natural Law/Rights crowd is guilty: a seductive but ultimately maladaptive idea rendered doctrine by force of will. My opinion. cn
They do what "THEY" want anyway!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't you noticed that regarding applies some and not to others.....arn't the strong ( Powerful ) doing what they want happens in societies everyday around the your home town....
So I should be allowed to build a house in your front yard? And I should be able to throw a party in your back yard? You think law was just some bullshit thought up to scare people into doing what they want? Isn't that the exact reason we invented laws in the first place; to provide some kind of level and fair playing field instead of letting the strongest just doing what they want?
Not really. "They" seem to be very opposed to marijuana, but lots of places are legalizing it for medicinal and recreational purposes. And for the record no one is building any structures on my property or partying in my back yard without permission from me. The laws appear to be working pretty well.
No, I would have given no such biblical argument. Nor would I have rendered doctrine by force of will. I'm talking about our current path being unnatural.
So if symbiosis with the earth isn't natural in your opinion, and there is no evidence in your view that the earth is alive, I can't reason with you. You're clearly evoking a polarity akin to atheists vs creationists. I can only assume that you are interpreting what I said as though I were giving sermon.
Fine. If we don't think differently, then act differently, nothing on earth will change and crisis will not abate.