The Sex Talk Thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I had a really nice dildo. A couple years ago I threw it away cus it or I was causing arguments over it.

Me and my hub would get into arguments and then he wouldn't take care of me. (the arguments generally started because I was horny and irritable) So I would say "if youre not gonna do it, I will." And then used the dildo. He didn't like that.

He doesn't mind the vibrator tho. I think it is an ego thing. He doesn't like being replaced.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
MMK... new question.. since this one isn't getting many bites.

What is the most random unsexy thought you have had during sex?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I am always trying TO come. So I never have to think of something unsexy on purpose.

Guys do it to avoid being out for the count.


Well-Known Member
I am always trying TO come. So I never have to think of something unsexy on purpose.

Guys do it to avoid being out for the count.
yeah, you gals don't have to worry about being one and done. most guys are pretty much done after one. then it's refractory time.


Well-Known Member
If I had had too many unsexy thoughts I'd lose my stiffy so I never care how long it takes,the lady to has her orgasm first just in case I'm in Speedy Gonzalez mode:-P
For me depends on their skin color and if their naked. Also weight size.....Fat looks like cream cheese when claping together....muscle more perfect circular motion and bubble buts are awesome. Thx Rachael Starr for blowing my mind away.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
For real! I saw a video of a girl doing it once and thought "that could be hot". I wouldn't want the noise.. just the motion.
For real! I saw a video of a girl doing it once and thought "that could be hot". I wouldn't want the noise.. just the motion.
Meh, the noise I can tolerate, sound s like my balls(Bill and Ted, my nickname for my two buds or my balls) slapping against ... flesh(Ballz dip, claping without hands, pile driving)


Active Member
Nothing disgusting about a woman who can move her body, I would like my alarm clock to awaken me with the sound of a womans cheeks smacking together.


Well-Known Member
The Booty Clap. Sexy or disgusting?
Ive never seen it in real life but i think it would be incredibly erotic, oh heck ya. It would be like having a stripper in your house that you care about. Havent been to the strippers in five years but they never gave me wood. A girlfriend booty clapin would make my dick hard enough to cut glass i would imagine :):):)
Ive never seen it in real life but i think it would be incredibly erotic, oh heck ya. It would be like having a stripper in your house that you care about. Havent been to the strippers in five years but they never gave me wood. A girlfriend booty clapin would make my dick hard enough to cut glass i would imagine :):):)
Go back to the stripe club, browsers the girls don't pick the first girl that talks to you. Get VIP, worry about the cost...don't worry there's a chance of a reward if you played your cards right with the "Stripper."-horror music)