The UK Growers Thread!

you were lookin at maybe introducing some, im gunna give it a shot........................................:)
if you can take the heat go for it. i'd go up to the 600 first your only looking after yourself and your doing that comfy on a 400 lol.
snowbombing in austria?
2011 i nearly went with my mates but couldnt due to work, fat boy slim was headlining they said it was insane good. looks like a belter of a trip up in the mountains
i was going to go and not bother boarding lol.
ok ok we will take it to the differ lol

or not i don;t mind. by your logic your kid could just turn out to be a total psychopath. you aint going to let that happen tho are ya? parent intervention. dogs bitch mother would bite it if it was getting out of line.

i'm away to the gym, you get some voddy in ya n we'll pick up about 9 o clock eh?
not many of them about and ive defo never had one thats 4sure...... 9inches pmsl...its a myth ;-)
all myths and legends are based on or have truth in them, next time im down ur way ill have to intro you to delvitonia's wonder of the uk ( story has it its shadow once killed a dog ;) )
i dont like it either m8, but were fucked !

depends on how you work it, im loading my ammo belt rite up for the time coming.
have you ever witnessed a judge or police officer being denied juristiction and
a well read person not following an act of parliment because they didnt consent to it and cannot be forced to do so ;)
I reckon they'd take it to a Brussels court and Fuck you for trying to be a clever Dick.
lol id love that mate honestly, id get to fire off a few rounds so to say n stop punishing bailiffs, tv inspectors and police ect i have their heads right up their arse when they call ive had to put a notice on the door saying ive revoked all rights to enter the property to save breech of the peace incidents ( from them not me ) ;)
it would be very interesting but when it all comes down to it who will be in the right tho ? ;)
fair enough mate. no ones got right to fuck with you n yours. still aint the dog's fault it hasn't been trained not to bite passer by's

so when these dogs rip off half a kids face like ya read about so often thats not the dogs fault??? dogs have personalitys n traits etc some are nice some just vicious, aint always that they have been abused or untrained by there owners.[/QUOTE]
i got another staff a few years ago, was a nasty little shit bullied my bigun, had to give it to somone without a dog, because it would try an bit you when ya try an get the lead on the fucker.
i agree all this about dogs attacking,, 100% the owners fault they bring it up to be nasty or train it to be nasty,or bully it or neglect it or watever.. dosg are as violent as the owner make em, which is pretty sad really, and what sum owners do to ther animals is beyond me,, me personally, i coulndt hurt a animal,, just nasty as fuk,

like staffys for instance, while they are infact lovely dogs, they have god a bad rep,given to them by the fucking estate chavs.
Owned dogs all my life staffs mostly but now have an hungerian vizula in my experience I have never ever brought up a bad dag and I've had some very big strong staffs who wont harm a fly its how you they are treated from a very young age .ill put some pics up now