Left.... Right.... Liberals.... Conservatives.....
Whatever. Arguing value sets with crass generalizations will not change the fact that the rich get richer. The rich manipulate the government to fix the game. Both sides take part. If you think that fucking cock shit demon's pie hole of human being John Boehner isn't taking LOADS of bribes each year, you're delusional. If you think that cunt faced tuna whore of a woman that is Nancy Pelosi isn't taking TRUCKS full of bribes each year, you're delusional. Everyone inbetween is sucking the same cock.
Debating and name calling wont change anything. Rallying won't change anything. Fundraising won't change anything.
Sticking with all your "proud to be a redneck", uneducated, "conservative" pals sipping beers around the tailgate, taking turns deepthroating automatic "hunting" rifles, liberal bashing, and reminiscing about the glory days when men were men and women couldn't vote- while stuffing as much CAFO meat down the shitholes they call facial orifices.....won't change the power paradigm.
Networking with your "we're not liberal, just educated" college buddies during your yoga sesh over a nice, hot kambucha while listening to NPR as evidence of conservative power mongering and blatant uncooperative tactics, while citing the subtle oppression of lower classes- and that's why we should all buy free trade- planning the next play date, but not before looking over the weekly planner because theres a vegan rally to attend this week at city hall.... will not change the fact that you are being Fucked by the man.
Wake up. If you want to be free, you must operate freely- without concern to law. Call it what you will. Argue all you want.
We are all lower class to the 'elected' and treated like the bleating sheep that we really are.
Fundamental change requires that dumbfuck Americans actually vote for new people every election. It requires a shift in law that prevents the transfer of money from the private sector into the government sector. Etc....etc.
It requires intelligent people who aren't lured into useless debates over value sets. We are all on the same team and the 'debate' secures the division necessary to maintain our conquered state. Period. *breath*
ok I'm done lol