Broad mites???

Amy G

Active Member
I really need some info on Broad Mites. Not spider mites!! The males carry the females to the new growth after they hatch and the eggs have polka dots ojn them. They are only visible with a microscop[e. If anyone has dealt with them plz post. They can't be killed by your normal agents. We have tried. Typical spider mite controls do nothing. Thank you very much for any info.
I bet the mighty wash would kill them, or any oil based insecticide , such as purespray green, its nothing more than oil and a surfactant, it does nothing more than suffocates the little bastards. I'd bet the mighty wash would work though.
I agree mighty wash will kill them. Do one treatment just before lights out so your plants do not get spots on them and them hit them again in 3 days and then rince the plants off the next day with just water.
and look at your other post for tips on azamax, I hope you aren't using that in flower and if you are I hope its early.
I agree mighty wash will kill them. Do one treatment just before lights out so your plants do not get spots on them and them hit them again in 3 days and then rince the plants off the next day with just water.

+rep for your first goddamn post being right on the nose buddy!
I looked a bit. Seems predator mites may help. Just something to look into as you said you had buds on the other thread.
I looked a bit. Seems predator mites may help. Just something to look into as you said you had buds on the other thread.

mighty wash, like the dude said, one thorough application and no more bugs. one follow up just in case. I use it on spider mites as regular maintenance. and as where if I look hard enough I'll probably find a survivor or two the most you can really settle for (here anyway) is extreme control and mighty wash will do this for 40 bux a month or so depending on how big your grow is.
sounds easy, wish spider mites were as simple............ [FONT=Times,Times New Roman]Cultural control: Broad mites are very sensitive to heat. Lowering infested plants into water held at 43 to 49�C for 15 minutes will destroy broad mites without damaging the plants. [/FONT]
haha, yeah, it's almost as good as the fact that BT enters the fungus gnat larvae through every orifice they have, the anus particularly amuses me. or was that nematodes?? ah well whatever it was its alright by me.
and look at your other post for tips on azamax, I hope you aren't using that in flower and if you are I hope its early.

I dont use azamax in bloom. I did read up on soaking them for 15 min in hot water, but not really feasible with 5-6 ft plants, Since I dont have a bathtub in my grow room lol I have also heard that Mighty wash is not that effective against broad mites. I know that Avid will do the trick but that stuff scares the crap out of me. THank you everyone for replying. It is much appreciated. A fellow grower and us have been having issues with new growth yellowing and stunting for sometime now. I found the broadmites all over his garden but not on ours. Since he got his clones from the same place I did Im sure I have some somewhere. I thought we were dealing with nute lock out among other things but maybe its these little #$%^&*.
I dont use azamax in bloom. I did read up on soaking them for 15 min in hot water, but not really feasible with 5-6 ft plants, Since I dont have a bathtub in my grow room lol I have also heard that Mighty wash is not that effective against broad mites. I know that Avid will do the trick but that stuff scares the crap out of me. THank you everyone for replying. It is much appreciated. A fellow grower and us have been having issues with new growth yellowing and stunting for sometime now. I found the broadmites all over his garden but not on ours. Since he got his clones from the same place I did Im sure I have some somewhere. I thought we were dealing with nute lock out among other things but maybe its these little #$%^&*.

Go with the mighty wash, you won't be sorry. the secret to spraying for these little bastards is to get a device that covers them real good, my next idea (after I bought an atomist) involves a airless paint sprayer, nice fine controllable spray, the atomist is harsh on plants but it def covers them, turns leaves over real good. but you could easily rid yourself of these with proper application of any oil based insecticide, like purespray green, but you gotta actually cover the bug, with mighty wash it has a little extra something that gives them a little jolt of electricity or something, the shit works and it works well on spider mites and broad mites resemble spider mites real good, therefore I'm saying I have much much faith in mighty wash killing your bugs.
avid in flower? I'd chop my shit down and burn it first, if you think your bugs can live thru being suffocated with oil then get some purespray green and go to town, I'm still betting on the mighty wash.
and look at your other post for tips on azamax, I hope you aren't using that in flower and if you are I hope its early.

I dont use anything when in bloom. Fortunately haven't had too. Research Ive done says Mighty wash isnt effective against these things. Avid works great but that stuff is scary shit. I know you can soak them in hot water but that really isn't feasible with 5-6 ft plants. I dont have a bathtub in the grow room!!! I was really hoping someone else had actually experienced these little critters. I would also like to know more about the plant damage they cause. ps my apologies if this is a double post. I typed a reply then hit send and it never appeared
purespray green is nothing but petroleum oil, it does nothing but coats the little bastards and suffocates them, there is no getting around being suffocated with oil, the secret is coverage.
I dont use anything when in bloom. Fortunately haven't had too. Research Ive done says Mighty wash isnt effective against these things. Avid works great but that stuff is scary shit. I know you can soak them in hot water but that really isn't feasible with 5-6 ft plants. I dont have a bathtub in the grow room!!! I was really hoping someone else had actually experienced these little critters. I would also like to know more about the plant damage they cause. ps my apologies if this is a double post. I typed a reply then hit send and it never appeared

you know, I've hung out here for quite some time and never seen a person mention this type of mite, spider mites millions of times but broad mites I've not seen one case.
you know, I've hung out here for quite some time and never seen a person mention this type of mite, spider mites millions of times but broad mites I've not seen one case.
I have them too and I agree mighty wash doesn't work. What about adding neem oil to the mighty wash, that might work. Any ideas on that idea I'm up for anything right now. & I thought spider mites were a problem? Ha ha no way these are another problem with only a couple answers and they aren't that firm. Any negative thought about adding neem oil to the mighty wash?? Sulfur burn???
I have them too and I agree mighty wash doesn't work. What about adding neem oil to the mighty wash, that might work. Any ideas on that idea I'm up for anything right now. & I thought spider mites were a problem? Ha ha no way these are another problem with only a couple answers and they aren't that firm. Any negative thought about adding neem oil to the mighty wash?? Sulfur burn???

wiped them out with forbid 4f, that or avid
sounds easy, wish spider mites were as simple............ [FONT=Times,Times New Roman]Cultural control: Broad mites are very sensitive to heat. Lowering infested plants into water held at 43 to 49�C for 15 minutes will destroy broad mites without damaging the plants. [/FONT]

What about lowering in temperature in the room to 40-45 degrees for intervals of 3 hours for 3-4 days to kill any eggs maybe left behind??