Well-Known Member
Just stumbled across this one

The only industry I need is my 3x3x6.No. Do not legalize it at the federal level. No. You do that, the market will go to shit. Fucking Phillip Morris will ruin the industry like Coors and Anheuser-Busch did to the beer industry. Fuck that shit.
Doesn't phillip morris already own some serious acerage in NorCal just waiting for legalization? I thought I read that somewhere.
yep. prepping for the day it happens. fucking monsantos land leeching mother fuckers. i fucking hate big business.
Pssstt.. gonna let you in on a little secret.. the little business's strive to become big business..
How? Afaik we're talking about a basic component of human nature here. cnAnd that's something that needs to change. But beyond that, I don't mean a business that is large in employee size or gross yearly revenue, I refer to big business as publicly traded scum sucking life leechers that give capitalism a bad name. I'm all for having a business grow.. but tend to the needs of the consumers and be concerned about your environment.. something Phillip Morris does neither of, nor Monsantos, the two I referenced before.
How? Afaik we're talking about a basic component of human nature here. cn
Petitions don't mean or do shit.