Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I don't watch movies often. People find it strange when they start talking about movies and I have to repeatedly tell them I didn't see it. They always start rattleing off other movies or immediatly go into detail about another popular movie. I usually repeat that I didn't see it.
So, in the past couple of months, I've lost pretty much every "friend" I had. The only person still talking to me outside of my wife is the guy I let stay here when his brother (who he was roomed with) joined the army. And he only talks to me for about 5 minutes every couple of days before he goes to bed whilst having a cigarette...and even then it seems to really only be because he wants the smoke outside of his room when he goes to bed.

I really need to move out of this place, find a place where people are more like me, maybe then I could make some real friends. But then again maybe I'm just one of those people who are meant to be friendless, seeing as I hold on to the old ideas of respect and loyalty and most of the jackasses I meet would sell their grandmother to get ahead.

I guess I just wanted to vent that, I keep the same schedule as my wife even though I can't work so I'm alone all but a few hours of my waking day and doing this without friends gets to be pretty lonely sometimes. Oh well, what harm can come from the crazy person being left alone for like 10 hours a day, really?
I don't watch movies often. People find it strange when they start talking about movies and I have to repeatedly tell them I didn't see it. They always start rattleing off other movies or immediatly go into detail about another popular movie. I usually repeat that I didn't see it.

Ach! Me tooooooo! And they ALWAYS just keeeeep going.....or they just start in on a scene from the movie I just said I didn't see. "Did you see Meet Joe Black?" "No." "Oh my GOD! You HAVE to see Meet Joe Black. You know that scene where..." "No....no I don't...."
So, in the past couple of months, I've lost pretty much every "friend" I had. The only person still talking to me outside of my wife is the guy I let stay here when his brother (who he was roomed with) joined the army. And he only talks to me for about 5 minutes every couple of days before he goes to bed whilst having a cigarette...and even then it seems to really only be because he wants the smoke outside of his room when he goes to bed.

I really need to move out of this place, find a place where people are more like me, maybe then I could make some real friends. But then again maybe I'm just one of those people who are meant to be friendless, seeing as I hold on to the old ideas of respect and loyalty and most of the jackasses I meet would sell their grandmother to get ahead.

I guess I just wanted to vent that, I keep the same schedule as my wife even though I can't work so I'm alone all but a few hours of my waking day and doing this without friends gets to be pretty lonely sometimes. Oh well, what harm can come from the crazy person being left alone for like 10 hours a day, really?
I will be your friend:hug:
I'm sure you have legitimate reasons for being a vegan, and I wasn't trying to be an asshole or insult you.
And yes, i'm sure you didn't do it to be in on the fad. I understand and agree with a lot of the reasons I have heard others give for being vegan, I don't know yours so I won't claim to.
My point was that the "fad" has raised peoples awareness and may or may not have drawn vegan life to your attention- you might have never even been aware of it without the fad or movement. Then the modern convieniences and luxuries make it an option to choose to be vegan or what to eat and what not to eat. If you were starving it would certainly impact your decisions of what to eat and what not to eat, I doubt there are many starving somailians who would chose to turn down a steak.
I read a book called book of blood with a story called dread in it by clive barker, it was interesting. I also read survival type but that was different and not as on topic. Anyways i'm sure that guy was an ass, and I don't want you thinking that of me-
Nothing but the best-

...I just wanted to quote what I believe is the very first Beardo post I have witnessed in all my time on RIU that did not have a single sexual reference...
I will be your friend:hug:

Howdy All.......its nice to have friends.....but for some reason as I get older....I just really like being alone.....I like my alone time. Maybe its because we did that friends thing for years ....now I just like it quiet.....even watching a football game....Quiet....I dont know what it is.....
I do. You know how you like it and other people like it their way. I'm struggling with this at this very moment.

yes......I just seem to enjoy myself without all the comotion.....even family gatherings....dont get me wrong , I love my family and we are pretty tight...but to be honest..I find myself making excuses to avoid the gatherings....because I just want to avoid all the dam comotion.....UGH Oh well
Howdy All.......its nice to have friends.....but for some reason as I get older....I just really like being alone.....I like my alone time. Maybe its because we did that friends thing for years ....now I just like it quiet.....even watching a football game....Quiet....I dont know what it is.....

Well, I had a period of about 8 months when I was 16 that I had some pretty good friends, then I got kicked out of my parents' house for having one of my episodes, tried to work but couldn't hold a job, my brother moved me up north to try and help, but I still couldn't hold a job and he couldn't take care of me and it wasn't his job to, so I ended up on the streets bouncing from one odd job to another trying to keep food in my belly, my mom took pity on me once the doctors explained my conditions and she tried to help me out, but my step dad wasn't having it, I got my GED and took CNA classes, got a few jobs as a CNA but couldn't hold them, met my wife while I was working for room and board as a maid basically..but friends? Really only back then before things got bad, I've been alone most of the time I can recall.

Sometimes I think I might've found someone to call a friend, but then they end up turning on me or just disappearing after they learn about my issues. A few stuck around afterwards, but now they're gone too, because it's so hard to spend time with me I guess. I can't really do a lot of things people like to do, especially around here where ever fucking night it's like..let's go to the bar! Well, I don't drink and I can't do crowds, so I just get left behind. I don't really blame them, I just wish sometimes that hanging out for an hour or two wasn't so much to ask of people.

And if you couldn't tell, I'm on the downswing, so maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself. That's the problem with being bi-polar, you can't just feel things, you have to question WHY you feel them...is it a legit feeling or just some bullshit your brain is pulling on you? Oh well, I know how to grow food and hunt/fish, I know how to build shelter, basically I know how to survive outside this society thanks to the shit I went thru. I'll make it, always have...the people who called themselves my friends? They can't survive without this society, so if/when it all goes to shit they'll know exactly how it is to be abandoned, alone, and struggling to find a place, and since this society has decided that I don't belong then I've decided they don't belong in mine.

Fuck 'em.
So, in the past couple of months, I've lost pretty much every "friend" I had.

I used to have a pretty tight group of friends. Maybe a dozen or so. For bout ten years we ruled. Lost a few in auto/motorcycle accidents, the rest seem to be going our separate ways. Out of 12-15 ppl. I have one that I am still close with. It bothered me for a while now I find it's not so bad. Seems like now whenever one of my old friends calls it's cuz they want something instead of just calling to say hey. I still stop at their places a couple of times a year. Mostly at holidays and such. I couldn't tell you the last time one of em came here. Other than the one guy I am still close too.

....now I just like it quiet.....even watching a football game....Quiet....I dont know what it is.....

I enjoy listening to ball games on the radio when doing my trimming. It's better than watching sometimes.
I don't watch movies often. People find it strange when they start talking about movies and I have to repeatedly tell them I didn't see it. They always start rattleing off other movies or immediatly go into detail about another popular movie. I usually repeat that I didn't see it.

Howdy Kinetic...thanks for that post last night......your children are you biggest investment in life....its not your 401k....its that little girl!!!!!
Sometimes I think I might've found someone to call a friend, but then they end up turning on me or just disappearing after they learn about my issues. A few stuck around afterwards, but now they're gone too, because it's so hard to spend time with me I guess. I can't really do a lot of things people like to do, especially around here where ever fucking night it's like..let's go to the bar! Well, I don't drink and I can't do crowds, so I just get left behind. I don't really blame them, I just wish sometimes that hanging out for an hour or two wasn't so much to ask of people.
Fuck 'em.

I'm not into the bar scene either, never have been. My wife has agorophobia so cramped places suck for her too. I don't drink nearly as much as I used too and my wife barely drinks at all. It seems all my old friends lives revolve around how many bottles of jagermeister they can down in a night. Not me. Once in a while I might tie one on, not every weekend like most.

There is a cool comedy bar the wife and I enjoy and we are considering going to see alice in chains this spring in a nice venue.
Well, I had a period of about 8 months when I was 16 that I had some pretty good friends, then I got kicked out of my parents' house for having one of my episodes, tried to work but couldn't hold a job, my brother moved me up north to try and help, but I still couldn't hold a job and he couldn't take care of me and it wasn't his job to, so I ended up on the streets bouncing from one odd job to another trying to keep food in my belly, my mom took pity on me once the doctors explained my conditions and she tried to help me out, but my step dad wasn't having it, I got my GED and took CNA classes, got a few jobs as a CNA but couldn't hold them, met my wife while I was working for room and board as a maid basically..but friends? Really only back then before things got bad, I've been alone most of the time I can recall.

Sometimes I think I might've found someone to call a friend, but then they end up turning on me or just disappearing after they learn about my issues. A few stuck around afterwards, but now they're gone too, because it's so hard to spend time with me I guess. I can't really do a lot of things people like to do, especially around here where ever fucking night it's like..let's go to the bar! Well, I don't drink and I can't do crowds, so I just get left behind. I don't really blame them, I just wish sometimes that hanging out for an hour or two wasn't so much to ask of people.

And if you couldn't tell, I'm on the downswing, so maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself. That's the problem with being bi-polar, you can't just feel things, you have to question WHY you feel them...is it a legit feeling or just some bullshit your brain is pulling on you? Oh well, I know how to grow food and hunt/fish, I know how to build shelter, basically I know how to survive outside this society thanks to the shit I went thru. I'll make it, always have...the people who called themselves my friends? They can't survive without this society, so if/when it all goes to shit they'll know exactly how it is to be abandoned, alone, and struggling to find a place, and since this society has decided that I don't belong then I've decided they don't belong in mine.

Fuck 'em.

Orithil.....You remind me of my brother.....he is gone now but what you described above was like seeing my brother. He didnt have many friends but he knew how to survive......I always invited him to gatherings that I would have,sometimes he would attend,other times I guess he felt outa place...i'm really not sure what he was thinking. My brother was very misunderstood by people......I hated to see that....I feel myself wanting to be alone....but its me wanting that.....I cant explain it....thats just how I feel and it makes me happy.