weed country


Well-Known Member
High All, Is there anyone else out there that thinks weed country is just another "scripted" reality show? you know, a little bit of truth but then a bunch of added drama??:hump:
yeah. the chopper that happens to have the camera crew happens to fly right over the farm they are at. they use alot of editing to make it look like the cops are coming up on their farms and vehicles when they really are not lol.
Of course it's scripted. No way would tv crews follow people doing illegal things, videotape it, air it and not get charged for aiding or some other charge. The ones being videoed are legal. Ever see weed wars? They wear masks to hide faces. That's real dealers!
Of course it's scripted. No way would tv crews follow people doing illegal things, videotape it, air it and not get charged for aiding or some other charge. The ones being videoed are legal. Ever see weed wars? They wear masks to hide faces. That's real dealers!

lol dude your so wrong they are legal in weed wars as well the masks are either because the show wanted that or they didnt want people to know who they are...and you cant get in trouble for documenting something illegal as a journalist either! oh and btw happy 420th post lmao...now aside from that ofcourse those shows are somewhat scripted and edited for drama..i hate that mike guy he thinks hes such a bigshot with his ugly ass hag of a wife...the old guy is legit tho!!
Show is full of idiots, they all want to go to jail. All of the cops are going full blown reefer madness.

There are some good plants grown.
Weed Country is a joke, don't get me wrong I get sucked into watching it every once in awhile because they have some nice ass plants but jeez scripted to the max
Yeah, BE Smith is cool...

Scripted or not, this show still gets me excited for summer...lol...

But the mike boutin drama totally seems amped up. Can you blame 'em? They want ratings, and when there is no conflict naturally, you have to create some.
And can you guys really complain when there is a show featuring growers on a national television station? I mean, the more exposure the better...when people are more familiarized or desensitized to the subject, it only helps make it more socially acceptable.

the helicopter on the show didnt look like a police chopper maybe DEA or discovery channel rental

Yeah, discovery channel camera crew is my guess too.
Yeah exposure is great for the cause, but I'm not sure these guys are the Diplomats I would have chosen to represent me. They are idiots for the most part.
Recording illegal activities and not reporting it is a crime. How do you think people get charged with accessory or accessory after the fact? It's because they know and don't tell.
Yeah exposure is great for the cause, but I'm not sure these guys are the Diplomats I would have chosen to represent me. They are idiots for the most part.
Totally...I am not down with the former dispensary owner at all...he represents everything I stand against in this industry. That's why BE smith turned him away. Greedy loser in it for the money...that's the kinda person that votes against legalization.
Mike putting the pistol on the table was such a crock! He would've been robbed, beaten and had that pistol taken had he did it to someone that was a serious threat. And walking out to the road for the passing car and hitting the vehicle as it went bye was fucking dumb. I, with road rage, would've stopped just to fuck his little ass up for getting in front of my vehicle or harassing me. He's like the dumbasses we all have encountered on the net but we never seem to see them.
Recording illegal activities and not reporting it is a crime. How do you think people get charged with accessory or accessory after the fact? It's because they know and don't tell.

thats simply not true its called the first ammendment and journalists in 40 states are also covered by special shield laws ...here just one thing i could find real quick..

Bartnicki v. Vopper that the First Amendment, in the interest of securing news and thereby fostering a robust and uninhibited debate on public issues, protects the media for publishing information of public concern that they know was obtained unlawfully by a source but where they did not participate in or encourage the illegal interception of the information.
your misconception comes in the fact that these are not average people...yes if you know about something illegal and dont report your an accessory but as a journalist doing your job you are covered from that.....also agree the dispensary owner guy is a chump..he makes us all look bad thinking hes some top shit...he must have money too because that good looking girl of his wouldnt be around otherwise!!
Matt Shotwell the despenciary owner is such an idiot! Totally reckless and a fool! Im glad they took all his stuff. His girl can come over to my place and I will show her what a real man is like! Haha
That one police guy, gillis...he's fucking evil. The amount of joy he gets from busting grows is inconceivable. They're all addicted to adrenaline, and by April they're biting at the chain to get out there and start investigating...it's disgusting.
havent you guys seen the series on the bootleggers... they makin the moonshine right on tv...aint nothin legal about moonshine

They have TV crews with the police and with the bootleggers.....Im like... how is this happening

regular corn moonshine is like $10 a gallon.... shit made from fruit like bannanas and such goes for $100 a gallon...dude made $30k in one setting (in less than a week)
havent you guys seen the series on the bootleggers...makin the moonshine right on tv...aint nothin legal about moonshine

They have TV crews with the police and with the bootleggers
Did that one guy Tim ever go legal? I bet, with all that sweet discovery channel reality tv money!
havent you guys seen the series on the bootleggers... they makin the moonshine right on tv...aint nothin legal about moonshine

They have TV crews with the police and with the bootleggers.....Im like... how is this happening

regular corn moonshine is like $10 a gallon.... shit made from fruit like bannanas and such goes for $100 a gallon...dude made $30k in one setting (in less than a week)

exactly!! a journalist cant get in trouble for doing their job..heres what i think happens with these shows, they approach the police and say hey we have these growers or moonshiners we are following and doing a documentary on and we would like to send a crew with you guys as well to get your side of the story heres how much the department will make if you allow this for new toys and vehicles..so the cops already know these journalists are bound by confidentiality agreements and wont give up their subjects, they figure hey may as well get on tv make some money and get our side of the story out..and that is why it seems so odd because the middlemen or journalists are playing both sides of the fence ...i think the cops love it because it adds a weird joy to be cruising around with people who were just hanging out with the enemy its like they feel like they are close or something idk