
Awsome for posting and thanx you for the props!Feel free to comment bro,may all your buds be dense & frosty!
Thanks. I can only hope that I produce as good a buds as you and many of the other members. I'm a rookie. Enjoying the learning process.


Well-Known Member
keep it simple,stick with the basics and ask questions.shit ton of guru's with legit 411 on here.just gotta weed through the up your progress bro!

i just chopped possibly the best one yet,pix 2 follow......... super slow and in major pain,besides the normal pains i was out trying to cover my appricot tree with frost cloth yesterday when i slipped down a slope next to the tree and managed to jam my wrist/palm into something stronger than flesh and ripped a 7 stitch gash deep enough to see veins/tendons when you pull the flap back.fuckin appricots,i cant even eat them but ive been babying this thing cuz it hasnt produced yet due to frost damage.........grrrrrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
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Prolly the best one yet!

Got another P98 comming out in a cpl days and then my last white domina,sad to see her go but happy to have more room for og's
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After that I get to finally sample some of this blue dream
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The plants are diggin the extra 400w but I think im gunna hafta go back to the 600 when summer comes.Im also gunna hafta move the waterfarm cuz she is still goin crazy.I was hoping she would be done stretching by now.
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So many colas on this one and the stems just below the cola sites are massive thick!Thicker than many of the main stems at the BASE of my soil plants....fuckin crazy.
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The recruits getting their morning walk in the sun for a cpl hours.Good alternative to fluorescents!

Love this time of year.
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This apricot tree has never fruited and since ive been dumping my res changes on her has flowered like never before.So this year I have been covering it with frost cloth and xmas lights to protect her.
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Well dumbass me slid down that dirt slope and jammed my wrist into a rock and got 7 stitches for the effort.I wanted to take a pic of the veins and tendons under the flap but was to painful at the time.Just missed the vitals
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Well-Known Member
holdin it down in the rim country. your game gets better and better bro. cant wait til i get a chance to peep your shit and visit again.


Well-Known Member
thx a lot man,means a lot commin from you!my game has much more to go though to be any where close to the caliber of some of you guys,but im workin on it.

you are welcome here any time bro.glad to see you back,you have been missed!


Active Member
@grnhrvstr - If you're ever open to taking on some new patients, let me know. I'm local and between harvests and LOVE me a nice P98. BDCAZ


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro,im just a patient trying to grow my own meds which still aint enough half the time.Best bet is to do what I did and get verified at hydrobreed and someone there can help you or possibly the farmers markets in the valley.


Well-Known Member
Worked on the rain collection tanks before the rains came.Pressure washed the insides and re-fitted connections as well as put a coat of paint on to keep out the light.Next step is to add a couple first flush sytems to each downspout from the roof to divert the junk water.
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500 gallons of fresh rain/snow melt.
PPM 8-13
PH 6.8