I'm getting extremely tired of this "medical" front people are using.

It's called CBD.....The most effective and safest anti-anxiety compound on the planet.

Strains high in THC and THCV, and low in CBD. Yeh, that would be a nightmare!

Aurora Indica = Paranoia for me. I still smoke it, but I have to drink to keep the anxiety that marijuana causes down.
Aurora Indica = Paranoia for me. I still smoke it, but I have to drink to keep the anxiety that marijuana causes down.

Is this what happened to my horse on St Pats? <jst kidding> :) Interesting. I have felt that paranoid stone before. It's weird but not like the cousin cocaine weird. But, that everyone is looking at me, can't make eye contact!!!..weird.

But, I ran into a wall medically and don't drink for liver healing. And I smoke every hr or so. (plus other Dr ordered meds at various frequencies.) I stay away from indica, it just takes the wind out of my sails. Sativa Cameleon, that's me.
Is this what happened to my horse on St Pats? <jst kidding> :) Interesting. I have felt that paranoid stone before. It's weird but not like the cousin cocaine weird. But, that everyone is looking at me, can't make eye contact!!!..weird.

But, I ran into a wall medically and don't drink for liver healing. And I smoke every hr or so. (plus other Dr ordered meds at various frequencies.) I stay away from indica, it just takes the wind out of my sails. Sativa Cameleon, that's me.

I don't always get paranoia, but it isn't relaxing by any means. I sit there and twitch and clench my muscles just like I would if I took ecstasy or LSD. Cocaine doesn't make me nervous, it just feels like I drank a cup of coffee but without the caffeine overdose feel. It isn't that my tolerance is low for anything, I just get a different reaction.

I would consider the paranoia feel with marijuana to be something akin to the mental state of LSD except less realistic and without the loss of ego that makes such a thing useful or helpful.

I like the actual hydroponics more than getting high to be completely honest. I stopped growing though and I have maybe smoked an 1/8th over the last 4-5 months and that mostly with my dad or brother when they come to visit. If they had legal weed here, I would definitely be a caregiver. I just like turning it from a seed into a pile of perfectly cured buds.

St Patty's day was me breaking into the most recent 5 gallon batch of homebrew after I spent the day drinking Sierra Nevada Celebration, Bulmers, and Murphy's while making lamb stew at my parents. :) I was pretty loaded. Lots of fun. I was still more civil than Buckie is on a day to day basis. lol.
It's OK....you couldn't shoot straight and the horse just took a graze. I only told you he was dead.

Man, there are few people that I've had say this....maybe don't smoke it. I like tinkering with Hydro, as well.

Stay cool, with what float boat I say.
It's OK....you couldn't shoot straight and the horse just took a graze. I only told you he was dead.

Man, there are few people that I've had say this....maybe don't smoke it. I like tinkering with Hydro, as well.

Stay cool, with what float boat I say.

I don't flip out on the outside. I know it isn't real and I control myself, but I wouldn't exactly enjoy Disney under those circumstances, ya know? BTW, your horse is a narcotics agent.
You appear to be passing judgment by looking at random strangers as "a dirty lazy no good stoner"

Just because you personally see people in that light does not mean they are not using it for one of the many benefits nor does it mean they do not suffer
from any said ailments.

Personally, I have lived fast and hard. I have worked my whole life in an extremely strenuous and system taxing career, I may look like one of those types in your eyes.
I used it at first for recreation, it wasnt until I quit using for a while that the constant pain and mental stresses associated with it set in. I started using cannabis again
and it helps ease the ailments that have been produced by supporting and providing for my family.

In my career, I guarantee I expelled more energy by noon than someone pushing paper did all week, yet because I may look strong and able some people seem to think
that I dont live in constant pain with my head held high and trying not to be a pussy and complain about what hurts all of the time.

Rant over.
I don't flip out on the outside. I know it isn't real and I control myself, but I wouldn't exactly enjoy Disney under those circumstances, ya know? BTW, your horse is a narcotics agent.

Yes, we just found out, so he may have himself a little ole accident, in any case!

Oh, and I as not allowed in Disney World. We went down there early spring to miss the crowds. Good plan, it was raining. We took the LSD before we set off and could not get off the freeway, I remember that. The driver keep having to turn around and I keep saying, wow, from the back seat.

Any way, we get up there, no line, kinda stopped raining. We are tripping. But, no. They find a problem with our dress code, individual details on all 4 of us. Mine was the marijuana patch on my front thigh jeans.

"OH," I say, (totally stoned.) I flop down on the ground and pull out a pocket knife and took off the patch while they gawked.

I jumped up "there! how's that?" and now there is a dark, blue jean colored, ganja leave print, left under the patch, on my faded jeans. Nope.

They were calmly waiting to see if we could get presentable, but, no. I really can't remember what we did after that.
Yes, we just found out, so he may have himself a little ole accident, in any case!

A agreed with most of the original post until the pill part. I don't like taking pills and they are harmful to the body. Pills aren't the answer. I only have a little ocd problem and get a bit angry... But instead of popping baby boomer pills like the rest of the tards I blaze it up and love the day! And the people around me are much happier as well!
Look, I have had epilepsy and have been medicated by pills for 16+ years. Weed is not fun to me, I smoke to settle my nerves, reduce pain, and sleep. I am just chiming in to remind people that it is a medicine....the strongest one I use and I have a ton of different shit. Needing is not wanting. I couldn't care less if people smoked until Kathy Griffin seemed funny but if you don't want to smoke all the time Kathy Griffin gets real old really fast brothers. There is a moral high ground in that it is not frivolous, it isn't escapism, it isnt addiction. I dont care that everybody says it is not addictive but we all have that friend who goes through an ounce a week. It is not immoral but it is not imperative either.

Imo you damage your argument when you refer to your preferred medicament as "shit". That's street talk. cn
A agreed with most of the original post until the pill part. I don't like taking pills and they are harmful to the body. Pills aren't the answer. I only have a little ocd problem and get a bit angry... But instead of popping baby boomer pills like the rest of the tards I blaze it up and love the day! And the people around me are much happier as well!

That's good!! My Clinic Neuroscience Doctor prescribed this new folate formulation called Deplin. It's methyl-folate, and considered a prescription food supplement. What a difference for me....

I say that it doesn't do much for me, but everyone around seems to be benefiting from it. :)
That's good!! My Clinic Neuroscience Doctor prescribed this new folate formulation called Deplin. It's methyl-folate, and considered a prescription food supplement. What a difference for me....

I say that it doesn't do much for me, but everyone around seems to be benefiting from it. :)

B Vitamin folates for the win - that said, is it paired with any other medications if you don't mind my asking? Would rather not intrude if the answer is of a personal nature.
Well, I'm not in the mood to explain my medical situation, but, you understand.

Let's just say, I wonder, if alone it can help people, but I won't ever know that.

Folate is an adjunct for SSRI therapy as you probably know, but the serum dosage problem and the blood brain barrier problem are better solved with the methyl formulation. I've been treated with re-recombinant DNA therapies as well, and that leaves this legacy, of kind a brain function, damage to live with, but live, I do.

Most folks don't know there is such a thing as Induced Severe, Clinical Depression. I didn't. But, the Doctors started me on SSRIs first thing. They knew what was coming. They just put me to sleep at first. I sleep thu those first few weeks, but 6 month later (and a year to go) with also, Induced Severe Clinical Anemia, SSRIs stopped me from self harm, I'm quite sure.
Well, I'm not in the mood to explain my medical situation, but, you understand.

Let's just say, I wonder, if alone it can help people, but I won't ever know that.

Folate is an adjunct for SSRI therapy as you probably know, but the serum dosage problem and the blood brain barrier problem are better solved with the methyl formulation. I've been treated with re-recombinant DNA therapies as well, and that leaves this legacy, of kind a brain function, damage to live with, but live, I do.

Most folks don't know there is such a thing as Induced Severe, Clinical Depression. I didn't. But, the Doctors started me on SSRIs first thing. They knew what was coming. They just put me to sleep at first. I sleep thu those first few weeks, but 6 month later (and a year to go) with also, Induced Severe Clinical Anemia, SSRIs stopped me from self harm, I'm quite sure.

Definitely understand, just didn't want to probe is all - SSRIs can be the difference between sanity, and psychosis on more than a few levels, or multiple personality regressive PTSD - never fun things.
There is no real criteria for it; anyone can go to a certain "Dr." and say they feel better when smoking it and boom... you've got your rec. Every time I hear a dirty lazy no good stoner use the word "medicate" or "medicine" I want to punch them in their mouth. Most people feel better when they smoke, otherwise people wouldn't take all the risks and spend all the money to get it, but to call it medicine is just a cop out and an insult to the few people that could legitimately use it medicinally. Please just say you're getting stoned instead of "medicating".

Just because something makes you feel good doesn't make it medicine. I guess I could start referring to Johnny Walker Black as "medicine" cuz I feel better when I drink than when I don't. I'm sure that 95% of you people that "medicate" don't need it and if you argue that it helps with anxiety, etc. Well, they make pills for that. Marijuana is for people with AIDs, Cancer, Fibromyalgia and so on.

Ok, rant over. Thanks!

I assume you're a doctor but then you go on about punching lazy no good stupid stoners in the mouth just for using a term you don't agree with. I don't use the term medicate but certainly would in your presence just to provoke a motherfucking fist fight with your lame ass. lazy no good stupid stoners. you uppity fuck.
PS. I realize I'm a little late to the thread and it's probably gone off in all kinds of directions but I addressed the one part of it i needed to. carry on.
That's good!! My Clinic Neuroscience Doctor prescribed this new folate formulation called Deplin. It's methyl-folate, and considered a prescription food supplement. What a difference for me.... I say that it doesn't do much for me, but everyone around seems to be benefiting from it. :)
You can order it online actually....do you take the injectable serum? I do as well as the b12...that was a score finding that.
A agreed with most of the original post until the pill part. I don't like taking pills and they are harmful to the body. Pills aren't the answer. I only have a little ocd problem and get a bit angry... But instead of popping baby boomer pills like the rest of the tards I blaze it up and love the day! And the people around me are much happier as well!
Did you just call us tards? Im not sure, but it sounded like you did. I take these pills so don't die in my sleep you self-righteouss Bozo.