Well, I'm not in the mood to explain my medical situation, but, you understand.
Let's just say, I wonder, if alone it can help people, but I won't ever know that.
Folate is an adjunct for SSRI therapy as you probably know, but the serum dosage problem and the blood brain barrier problem are better solved with the methyl formulation. I've been treated with re-recombinant DNA therapies as well, and that leaves this legacy, of kind a brain function, damage to live with, but live, I do.
Most folks don't know there is such a thing as Induced Severe, Clinical Depression. I didn't. But, the Doctors started me on SSRIs first thing. They knew what was coming. They just put me to sleep at first. I sleep thu those first few weeks, but 6 month later (and a year to go) with also, Induced Severe Clinical Anemia, SSRIs stopped me from self harm, I'm quite sure.