It's dangerous being a Christian.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Next week is Easter and I got to thinking about the crucifixion. Then I thought about modern day believers and this is some of what I found. It makes me sick to think about those that believed enough to sacrifice (actually murdered by others) themselves for their beliefs. I believe but I think I would fold like a house of cards.~

Rwanda: 800,000 dead. Armenia: 1 million. The Holocaust: More than 6 million.
World history is littered with exhibits of the utter brutality of mankind toward his fellow man.

But now a new project under way to recount a history that has not received the attention it deserves, the “militant atheist” campaign in the former Soviet Union on people of faith.

The staggering death toll of Christians alone, estimates the documentary, “Martyred in the USSR,” is 12 million.
One and a half times the population of New York. The equivalent of 20 cities the size of Denver. Six times the number of residents of Paris.

Next week is Easter and I got to thinking about the crucifixion. Then I thought about modern day believers and this is some of what I found. It makes me sick to think about those that believed enough to sacrifice (actually murdered by others) themselves for their beliefs. I believe but I think I would fold like a house of cards.~

Rwanda: 800,000 dead. Armenia: 1 million. The Holocaust: More than 6 million.
World history is littered with exhibits of the utter brutality of mankind toward his fellow man.

But now a new project under way to recount a history that has not received the attention it deserves, the “militant atheist” campaign in the former Soviet Union on people of faith.

The staggering death toll of Christians alone, estimates the documentary, “Martyred in the USSR,” is 12 million.
One and a half times the population of New York. The equivalent of 20 cities the size of Denver. Six times the number of residents of Paris.

religion/bible is nothing more than a prehistoric way to keep the peace and appease the masses at a time when no law existed..then added to every century by whatever "spin doctor" who was dope at the time..bill maher's new rules this week touches upon the subject:
call it jihad, crusade, ethnic cleansing, by any name its plain old mass murder. its heinous, its obscene, its horrific and the simple truth (like it or not) is that christians have been heavily involved in it for a long, long time. its always tragic to say the least, when people are killed simply because their religious beliefs dont match up to someone elses. i dont see how its any more a tragedy to see or hear about christians being killed for their religious affiliation than any other group. certainly not when christianity has the blood of multiple millions on their very own selfrighteous hands. its never right but does having it happen to one guilty group over another guilty group make it more bad? im not trying to pick a fight but im not going to ignore/reject truth either. peace and justice for ALL. and to all.
call it jihad, crusade, ethnic cleansing, by any name its plain old mass murder. its heinous, its obscene, its horrific and the simple truth (like it or not) is that christians have been heavily involved in it for a long, long time. its always tragic to say the least, when people are killed simply because their religious beliefs dont match up to someone elses. i dont see how its any more a tragedy to see or hear about christians being killed for their religious affiliation than any other group. certainly not when christianity has the blood of multiple millions on their very own selfrighteous hands. its never right but does having it happen to one guilty group over another guilty group make it more bad? im not trying to pick a fight but im not going to ignore/reject truth either. peace and justice for ALL. and to all.

"it is easier to kill 1M people, than it is to control them".

dr. zbigniew brzezinski
Skewed comparissons like this one (people got killed for less in the USSR, Christians are much more dangerous to atheist then the other way around = big fat historical fact) is what makes Christians so dangerous....

If you can believe desert-fairytales there is some guy in the sky controlling everything, what else can one make you believe... and do. THAT is where the real danger is.

We should have had freedom "from" religion, not "of".
Skewed comparissons like this one (people got killed for less in the USSR, Christians are much more dangerous to atheist then the other way around = big fat historical fact) is what makes Christians so dangerous....

If you can believe desert-fairytales there is some guy in the sky controlling everything, what else can one make you believe... and do. THAT is where the real danger is.

We should have had freedom "from" religion, not "of".

I think the majority of people in the world can be made to believe anything.

Christians that went around massacring others for non-belief were not "true christians". They basically were tricked/ignorant enough to send their asses to hell.
Yea atheists have a LOOOONG way to go to catch up to Christians, just in the USA alone since 1600 I'm sure theres well over a million killed, murdered by those god loving Christians. Salem witch hunts killed what 30? How many of them god loving southern christians killed blacks?

Go Christianity number 1 cause of death!!!
Skewed comparissons like this one (people got killed for less in the USSR, Christians are much more dangerous to atheist then the other way around = big fat historical fact) is what makes Christians so dangerous....

If you can believe desert-fairytales there is some guy in the sky controlling everything, what else can one make you believe... and do. THAT is where the real danger is.

We should have had freedom "from" religion, not "of".

OH THANK "GOD", there REALLY are others who think as i:clap:
Tell me about it, us brits have had years and years of persecution, no offense made but way before even your great nation was discovered. Im a Brit, also a Templar that speaks for itself, The quote earlier "We should have had freedom "from" religion, not "of"." Bang on Sir! Hats off to ya, Most of my descendants got burnt at the stake on Friday 13th (that's why its unlucky) because of that reason! Even for something as silly as speaking English in the middle ages, The 'Church' has a lot to answer for, for its crimes. No wonder the Pope has just resigned,. First one to resign in history, says it all don't it?
lol not that was a direct attack on all the hypocrites' of this world, the faith didn't kill us all, now im not into new world order bullshit, nor aliens, when it happens it will happen, all im saying, Bout time JC came back and kicked butt with Gabriel. And ill have a front seat ticket lol
lol @ batshit Christians, I wasn't christened mate, so I am nothing, just my own faith inside, I was taught well by my father about all the crimes against humanity people have done to each other over the century's all in the name iof religion, they are all full of batshit idiots. The first crusades were nothing to be proud of so sorry if I came across as that. Im ashamed for what I stand for but on the other side, im glad at what we stood for even if it happened a lot later. And yes the Templar knights are still going, even rumoured that they were the ones that emigrated to America first hence your 'Star Family' hmmmm masons? Templar first my friends.
So yes batshit Christians? Batshit everything mate, best to have your own religion and keep it close to your own heart, and do the best you can on this shitty world for we are all meant to be judged by our deeds to others not in what we believe.
Yea atheists have a LOOOONG way to go to catch up to Christians, just in the USA alone since 1600 I'm sure theres well over a million killed, murdered by those god loving Christians. Salem witch hunts killed what 30? How many of them god loving southern christians killed blacks?

Go Christianity number 1 cause of death!!!

i agree completely however with the above however, i'd like to point out that salem was actually over politics and not truly religion. those who were accused were "different" in nature because they were often times (though not all) single "loner" outspoken women of wealth, even involved in salem leadership and looked upon by their neighbors with respect.. there were those who took opportunity of a situation, murdered innocent people not truly in the name of religion but of a power play within salem society..