Atheist Manifesto

What kinds of things are you talking about?

I don't know what B Racer could've meant...but if you ask me the thing is Coincidence, And when you become aware / align yourself with this phenomenom that has existed since the Big Bang, eternity, or Whateva, it no longer becomes Coincidence, and you can't explain Coincidence to someone it is only beholding to the person that experiences it, It is most difficult you see to explain this to someone who can't feel their own Pinky toe, it's there, you just gotta Sense it....My 2 Cents :peace:
Yes, where would this world be without Einstein and Oppenheimer...


I'd imagine that the United States would be getting sucked into one European Conflict after another, because France and Germany would be devoid of resources.

Nuclear Power, while it does have destructive uses, is also a very efficient source of power, and much cleaner than coal. Fusion is only more so, and with out the research of people like Einstein, Oppenheimer, the Curies, and other scientists who researched radiation and physics we would not have Nuclear Power.

Solar Power could easily be used in destructive ways as well.
I'd imagine that the United States would be getting sucked into one European Conflict after another, because France and Germany would be devoid of resources.

Europe has been devoid of resources for 100 years...we are now at war where there are resources!

Nuclear Power, while it does have destructive uses, is also a very efficient source of power, and much cleaner than coal. Fusion is only more so, and with out the research of people like Einstein, Oppenheimer, the Curies, and other scientists who researched radiation and physics we would not have Nuclear Power.

DDT is a very effective pesticide. Nuclear power is very clean if you ignore the energy used and the environmental destruction involved in uranium the purification and enrichment (best to do all of these near rivers or on the boarders of National parks whenever possible)...not to mention the waste. This is a scheme which enriches a few in the here and now, with total disregard for the costs, present or future. It is not sustainable in a non radioactive world.

Solar Power could easily be used in destructive ways as well.[/quote]

Yes, but really? Getting your enemies to stand still would be the challenge:roll:

Ummm.. no last I checked if i dont give my faith to god before i die, I go to hell or purgatory. If i denounce him its hell, if I'm gay its hell, along with the rest of "its" shopping list of regulations to rest easy. I wrote a song, and taped it and put it on youube... its title, "kill god" you should see all the comments and messages about how I'm going to hell to be raped for eternity, and forever live in pain, and watch my parents die, and suffer eternal misery just cause I wrote my feelings in a song. Thats why I'm against all organized religion. Cause they wont love me when life ends and for some reason their is a god and heaven and all that fairy tale, I will be sentanced to suffering cause i feel their is no reason to belive in fairy tales with no real proof, and science can proove all the dates wrong... or at least off. Thats why I truely can say I love everyone for who they are, no matter what, cause My relgion, (or lack of) will not come between their loved ones and peace, if ever plausible.

Yes they were wrong to condemn you, to judge you for judgement is for god. What I would say to you is that is imperative for you to have a sincere relationship with god before you die. Maybe just some food for thought, but the greatest trick the devil will pull will be to convince the world that he does not exist. the reason this will be his greatest trick is because by default he will have also convinced the world that god does not exist.
Yes they were wrong to condemn you, to judge you for judgement is for god. What I would say to you is that is imperative for you to have a sincere relationship with god before you die. Maybe just some food for thought, but the greatest trick the devil will pull will be to convince the world that he does not exist. the reason this will be his greatest trick is because by default he will have also convinced the world that god does not exist.
Look into the Egyptian sun of god Horus or any of the 20 or so other messiahs who were born on the 25th of DEC, of a virgin birth, were called the same names, performed miracles, crucified, resurrected, and ascended into the sky.

It is a myth...a good story used to pass down knowledge. It is all Astrology! It is not the is the Sun!

The christian cross is not a symbol of is a pagan zodiac!

The three stars of Orion's belt belt have been called the "three kings" for thousands of years. They point to (announced the birth of), on the 25th of Dec. where the Sun, after setting lower and lower in the southern sky from the Summer solstice until it stops on Dec 22...., is crucified as it is in the "Southern Cross", then after 3 days, the suns movement is resurrected...ascends once again into the heavens, announcing the rebirth of life until it's celebration after the spring equinox...the triumph of light over darkness.

Following the virgin birth, the performing of miracles, the public execution and the public resurrection...there are exactly zero accounts of such amazing events from any scribes or scholars of the first a 60 years of the first century....the whole thing was a roman scam to control the people and justify conquest and how things don't change!

Yes they were wrong to condemn you, to judge you for judgement is for god. What I would say to you is that is imperative for you to have a sincere relationship with god before you die. Maybe just some food for thought, but the greatest trick the devil will pull will be to convince the world that he does not exist. the reason this will be his greatest trick is because by default he will have also convinced the world that god does not exist.

It would be very easy for a God to counter the Devils actions by simply showing humanity that he does exist. There ya go, game over, God wins... Why doesn't he just do that?
It would be very easy for a God to counter the Devils actions by simply showing humanity that he does exist. There ya go, game over, God wins... Why doesn't he just do that?

I don't think god is a show monkey that does miracles for mere mortals when we want him to. I know it's like the hardest thing to believe in something you can't see or touch.
I don't think god is a show monkey that does miracles for mere mortals when we want him to. I know it's like the hardest thing to believe in something you can't see or touch.

Yeah, but the logic of not revealing himself doesn't hold water. If the point of this existence is to live a righteous life and treat others with respect, yada yada, then get into heaven and spend eternity with God... wouldn't the easiest way to do that, from an OMNIPOTENT BEINGS perspective be to simply show yourself? Like I said, game over, God wins, the Devil doesn't stand a chance in Hell (no pun)...

CLEARLY that isn't this God's goal.

...which begs the question, what is?


that was fucking hilarious brutal but hilarious i laughed out loud it sure does look funny(christianity) when put that way lol. i think its possible some of these profits existed and spoke of peaceful ways for people to live. but the crazy stories and crap dont show up for hundreds of years later so there is most certainly a time gap there where all the b.s. was infused to control people. its funny though it still works now idiots abound. again funny shit.
christianity using all things of insanity to acheive vanity robbing and stealing in the name of the to them and theyre ways here comes a deacon with a plate in him hand wanting the money of the poor man so pastor can buy a ford mustang and pass by u and your woman....folls go to church on sunday
if you dont believe in the almighty then you will die,,i will never i am the king of shit and piss and i come to slay the dragon with my magical fist
if you dont believe in the almighty then you will die,,i will never i am the king of shit and piss and i come to slay the dragon with my magical fist

Charlie Manson, when did they let you have access to the internet??? :shock:
If I may add a bit to this discussion, there are 2 parts I would like to address. 1. The mental states of people that go to religion and their overall intellectual capacity. 2. Where did the earth and heavens come from. (I am a supporter of the Big Bang Theory)

In my search for the "truth" (use term lightly), I keep getting led back to the Theory of mind. Let me post a bief excerpt from wikipedia.

Defining Theory of Mind
Theory of Mind is a ‘theory’ insofar as the “mind” is not "directly observable."[2]. The presumption that others have a mind is termed a "theory of mind" because each human can only prove the existence of his or her own mind through introspection, and one has no direct access to others' minds. It is typically assumed that others have minds by analogy with one's own, and based on the reciprocal nature of social interaction, as observed in joint attention[3],the functional use of language[4],and understanding of others' emotions and actions[5]. Having a theory of mind allows one to attribute thoughts, desires, and intentions to others, to predict or explain their actions, and to posit their intentions. As originally defined, it enables one to understand that mental states can be the cause of—and thus be used to explain and predict—others’ behavior.[6] Being able to attribute mental states to others and understanding them as causes of behavior implies, in part, that one must be able to conceive of the mind as a “generator of representations”[7][8]. If a person does not have a complete theory of mind it may be a sign of cognitive or developmental impairment.

False-belief task
One of the most important milestones in theory of mind development is gaining the ability to attribute false belief: that is, to recognize that others can have beliefs about the world that are wrong. To do this, it is suggested, one must understand how knowledge is formed, that people’s beliefs are based on their knowledge, that mental states can differ from reality, and that people’s behavior can be predicted by their mental states. Numerous versions of the false-belief task have been developed, based on the initial task done by Wimmer and Perner (1983).

Appearance-reality task
Other tasks have been developed to try to solve the problems inherent in the false-belief task. In the "appearance-reality", or "Smarties" task, experimenters ask children what they believe to be the contents of a box that looks as though it holds a candy called "Smarties." After the child guesses (usually) "Smarties," each is shown that the box in fact contained pencils. The experimenter then re-closes the box and asks the child what she thinks another person, who has not been shown the true contents of the box, will think is inside. The child passes the task if she responds that another person will think that there are "Smarties" in the box, but fails the task if she responds that another person will think that the box contains pencils. Gopnik & Astington (1988) found that children pass this test at age four or five years.

The other night on the science channel they were discussing M-Theory and String Theory. They were in search of the singularity, and concluded That M-Theory had to have 11 dimensions. They determined that there are multiple parallel universes with membranes that surround their outer edges. These membranes oscillate like waves on a plane. When they touch, it causes an explosion. They then determined that time did not start with "our" big bang and that time could be measured before this point (the singularity lol). They further deduced that the membranes that contained other universes exsisted prior to our explosion.

After watching this program, it left me wanting more answers. Like when did these dimensions/membranes/universes all start. We may have found our universes singularity, but the quest is still on for the ultimate singularity. This brings us back to the eternal question, which came first? The chicken or the egg? Furthermore, is the creation that happens when these membranes touch, perpetual and infinate?

Today I asked my father inlaw, how he felt about the greek gods. He laughed and called them false gods. I think he fails to perceive the dichotomy between christianity and greek mythology. One of the first things that I picked up on in grade school, was past cultures/civilizations had their own beliefs that many years later, have been cast aside for newer more foolish ones. With that being said refer to part 1. lol
wow, akita420, that information was wonderful. good job! i really like the theory of mind, i think i have had similar feelings but this develops it much more than i ever did! great stuff.
Im glad you found it interesting. Perception plays a large role in what we think and feel. Understanding the complexities of perception and how your perceptions develope will put you on the right track.
"What one perceives is a result of interplays between past experiences, including one’s culture, and the interpretation of the perceived. If the percept does not have support in any of these perceptual bases it is unlikely to rise above perceptual threshold."

"The processes of perception routinely alter what humans see. When people view something with a preconceived concept about it, they tend to take those concept and see them whether or not they are there."