Well-Known Member
some of the greatest minds that this planet produced. Einstein, Oppenheimer, and so on and so forth.
Yes, where would this world be without Einstein and Oppenheimer...

some of the greatest minds that this planet produced. Einstein, Oppenheimer, and so on and so forth.
What kinds of things are you talking about?
Yes, where would this world be without Einstein and Oppenheimer...
Solar Power could easily be used in destructive ways as well.
I'd imagine that the United States would be getting sucked into one European Conflict after another, because France and Germany would be devoid of resources.
Nuclear Power, while it does have destructive uses, is also a very efficient source of power, and much cleaner than coal. Fusion is only more so, and with out the research of people like Einstein, Oppenheimer, the Curies, and other scientists who researched radiation and physics we would not have Nuclear Power.
Ummm.. no last I checked if i dont give my faith to god before i die, I go to hell or purgatory. If i denounce him its hell, if I'm gay its hell, along with the rest of "its" shopping list of regulations to rest easy. I wrote a song, and taped it and put it on youube... its title, "kill god" you should see all the comments and messages about how I'm going to hell to be raped for eternity, and forever live in pain, and watch my parents die, and suffer eternal misery just cause I wrote my feelings in a song. Thats why I'm against all organized religion. Cause they wont love me when life ends and for some reason their is a god and heaven and all that fairy tale, I will be sentanced to suffering cause i feel their is no reason to belive in fairy tales with no real proof, and science can proove all the dates wrong... or at least off. Thats why I truely can say I love everyone for who they are, no matter what, cause My relgion, (or lack of) will not come between their loved ones and peace, if ever plausible.
Look into the Egyptian sun of god Horus or any of the 20 or so other messiahs who were born on the 25th of DEC, of a virgin birth, were called the same names, performed miracles, crucified, resurrected, and ascended into the sky.Yes they were wrong to condemn you, to judge you for judgement is for god. What I would say to you is that is imperative for you to have a sincere relationship with god before you die. Maybe just some food for thought, but the greatest trick the devil will pull will be to convince the world that he does not exist. the reason this will be his greatest trick is because by default he will have also convinced the world that god does not exist.
Yes they were wrong to condemn you, to judge you for judgement is for god. What I would say to you is that is imperative for you to have a sincere relationship with god before you die. Maybe just some food for thought, but the greatest trick the devil will pull will be to convince the world that he does not exist. the reason this will be his greatest trick is because by default he will have also convinced the world that god does not exist.
I love it. Also love how long it took to get the jesus proselytizers out here.It would be very easy for a God to counter the Devils actions by simply showing humanity that he does exist. There ya go, game over, God wins... Why doesn't he just do that?
It would be very easy for a God to counter the Devils actions by simply showing humanity that he does exist. There ya go, game over, God wins... Why doesn't he just do that?
I don't think god is a show monkey that does miracles for mere mortals when we want him to. I know it's like the hardest thing to believe in something you can't see or touch.
I don't think god is a show monkey that does miracles for mere mortals when we want him to. I know it's like the hardest thing to believe in something you can't see or touch.
if you dont believe in the almighty then you will die,,i will never i am the king of shit and piss and i come to slay the dragon with my magical fist