Before I ask, just know.. this is more of a conversation starter than a question because nobody can tell me why God would allow so much suffering.

Thank you. My doctor demanded I come in and set me up with a heart doctor, for broken heart syndrome.. they can't do anything for me to help so I quit going. She also sat me up with a psychiatrist and she had the nerve to say, "well don't you love your other 2 kids?" I am glad it was over the phone due to quarantine because that really pissed me off. Then she said, "well there is obviously nothing I can say or do to help you, unless you just want to talk about it." So I didn't waste any more time on her either.. I was actually appalled at the entire conversation but people like you all help. I do have a lot of friends but I have managed to push them away as I no longer like going out or chit chatting on the phone. I just don't want to say these types of things to my friends and bring them down, a lot of my friends had always looked to me for guidance and I would hate to turn them away from God inadvertently. I hate to even ask the questions here for the same reason but the conversations in all the other threads seems more enlightened so idk..
I’m sure your friends probably think you’re a party pooper but the truth is you just haven’t grieved enough yet. Take your time. Everyone is different and every loss is different. It’s ok to hold on to him for as long as you want.

Just know that he would want you happy and healthy. That includes mentally. If you think you can tackle it yourself go ahead. But things like this are usually better if you have some support.
Thank you. My doctor demanded I come in and set me up with a heart doctor, for broken heart syndrome.. they can't do anything for me to help so I quit going. She also sat me up with a psychiatrist and she had the nerve to say, "well don't you love your other 2 kids?" I am glad it was over the phone due to quarantine because that really pissed me off. Then she said, "well there is obviously nothing I can say or do to help you, unless you just want to talk about it." So I didn't waste any more time on her either.. I was actually appalled at the entire conversation but people like you all help. I do have a lot of friends but I have managed to push them away as I no longer like going out or chit chatting on the phone. I just don't want to say these types of things to my friends and bring them down, a lot of my friends had always looked to me for guidance and I would hate to turn them away from God inadvertently. I hate to even ask the questions here for the same reason but the conversations in all the other threads seems more enlightened so idk..
You'll get a lot that. The world is full of cretinous morons that will never understand the depth of your sorrow. We're not meant to bury our children.
Long Live My Baby Corban Asher Henry

I wish I could add more- this is tough subject for me too, but please know I'm so very sorry for loss and I'm sending every ounce of strength your way.
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Ehh I disagree. There is too much evidence, stolen esoteric knowledge hid away in basements.. I've delved into the universe as far as the human mind can handle and everything I have experienced proves God in every breath we take, it's all unexplainable and my mind can't quit reaching for the next answer... sacred geometry, fibonacci sequence, solfagio frequencies... so not random
Since you believe in God, then trust in him.
we have traded in god for what ?

pills , being labeled .

get with what program ?

one size fits all ?

judging people because they reject the so called program ?

pain pills and security for people buy into the program ?

not me .

feel free to consider .

I lost a son as well and understand your question. IMO throw away the concept of God that is something or someone attainable; that is the way to keep people under control; when you believe in something that tells you that you were never good enough to start with that you are already vibrating on a low frequency. All that bullshit was to keep people under control and it still works today.
God is you, us, everyone, every tree, every breath of air you take is shared energy with the divine and also with me. Our energy is a beautiful flow through the universe, we are all connected, God is in you.
We can’t control the actions of others or if our loved ones will have been born with genetic disorders; all we can do is let our light shine. There is more good out there than bad. Pick your vibration up. Watch a flower and just smile for no reason at all even if you just want to cry.
because he/it doesn't exist, and certainly not the way you're looking at it. The earth/universe is what it is and if you study it the rules don't fit organized religion. I'm not saying there aren't some truly incredible things out there but I think the truth is far more complex than any one god ruling everything.

religion is certainly a great way to control society and help people cope with death.
A year and a half ago, my 15 year old son was murdered. Corban was my ride or die.. more than my child, my best friend, the best person I have ever met. Reconfirming what we all already know, "The good die young." So then we are all just left behind in silence with the not good enough group that gets to stick around like cock roaches... suffering, existing, attempting to figure out how to get it right, no better than rats filling their bellies, seeking shelter and repeating the process till our hard work is dwindled down to shitting on ourselves and slowly rotting to death
Seriously tho
When life gets broke down so far from a pain so desperate to be done, food has no taste, the sun has no warmth, and you realize there will never be a better time in your life than what has already been had... there is nothing left worth having.
In the Bible, a man would wrestle with God thru the night

Hell I been tryn to fight him for a year and a half now. Silence. Just silence is my response
In the Bible, Satan went to God and asked permission to do bad things to Job, and God allowed it. He allowed the devil to torment his faithful servant.
Can we also touch on forgiveness while we are at it?? Some people expect I should forgive the pos killer that stole Corban's whole life away???? Should we forgive Satan then??? Will God forgive Satan???? Highly unthinkable.

You know.. all these idioms make 0 sense once you have something mind numbingly terrible happen to you. This will never be right or acceptable, in any realm.

And I don't even expect a good answer or I would've probably heard or thought of it in this past silent year and a half.

My dads brother lost his only son, only child. He died due to two young girls driving wreakless while drunk. It was a great loss to us all, but it was made even tougher having to watch my uncle and his wife have to suffer year after year trying to put on a brave face for us all. Its been 15 years and my aunty still keeps his room exactly the way it was on that morning he left. I suppose in some way even though she knows it will never happen she waits for him to come back and want his room to be as he left it.

God gave us free choice to do right or wrong and we have this inbuilt thing in us were we know when we do wrong. He also sent us a guide many many times telling us to try to live a certain way and not do wrong or take short cuts. But we still chose to do bad. I think God has repeatedly tried , the problem is us.

You seem a good person, and your son must of loved you a lot. Im sure he wouldn't want to see his dad or his mom so unhappy, live the way he would of wanted you to live. His memory is still alive with you always.
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A year and a half ago, my 15 year old son was murdered. Corban was my ride or die.. more than my child, my best friend, the best person I have ever met. Reconfirming what we all already know, "The good die young." So then we are all just left behind in silence with the not good enough group that gets to stick around like cock roaches... suffering, existing, attempting to figure out how to get it right, no better than rats filling their bellies, seeking shelter and repeating the process till our hard work is dwindled down to shitting on ourselves and slowly rotting to death
Seriously tho
When life gets broke down so far from a pain so desperate to be done, food has no taste, the sun has no warmth, and you realize there will never be a better time in your life than what has already been had... there is nothing left worth having.
In the Bible, a man would wrestle with God thru the night

Hell I been tryn to fight him for a year and a half now. Silence. Just silence is my response
In the Bible, Satan went to God and asked permission to do bad things to Job, and God allowed it. He allowed the devil to torment his faithful servant.
Can we also touch on forgiveness while we are at it?? Some people expect I should forgive the pos killer that stole Corban's whole life away???? Should we forgive Satan then??? Will God forgive Satan???? Highly unthinkable.

You know.. all these idioms make 0 sense once you have something mind numbingly terrible happen to you. This will never be right or acceptable, in any realm.

And I don't even expect a good answer or I would've probably heard or thought of it in this past silent year and a half.

My father was murdered when I was 2, by a well known mafia hitman, which I didnt learn about until I was 21. I haven't lived a life as poor and as difficult as some, but I've had many hardships and generally have been mistreated and pushed toward self destruction until I got smarter in my 30s.. Also, I dropped a guy off a 200 foot bridge to his death, trying to save him from suicide.

I know death well and have accepted, that life, in its very purpose, is a tragedy we're all put through and different people have different experiences with it... however you find comfort I hope it finds you.
Prove it. Also, why no "she" pronouns?

I can't. It's a compilation of experiences I've learned over the course of my life. The proof is in the mind. You have to prove it or disprove it to yourself.

Logic is helpful when questioning biblical word games and tricks, reason always seems to take the cake. Although reason is of mind and man's making I still say reason comes before god and not the other way around. So to say, reason can still exist without the concept of god. God cannot exist without reason.

I don't want to discuss this further though. Everyone needs to decide for themselves. I have.

I can't. It's a compilation of experiences I've learned over the course of my life. The proof is in the mind. You have to prove it or disprove it to yourself.

Logic is helpful when questioning biblical word games and tricks, reason always seems to take the cake. Although reason is of mind and man's making I still say reason comes before god and not the other way around. So to say, reason can still exist without the concept of god. God cannot exist without reason.

I don't want to discuss this further though. Everyone needs to decide for themselves. I have.
"God" can exist outside of religion, and does not have to be narrowly defined by organizations. You have already acknowledged that there are "rules" to the universe. How exactly have these rules been created? It's not random, that I can tell you for sure.