Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks so nice and neat and mine are more of a jumble, with leaves everywhere. I'm going to grab a pic of my main cola of my big plant when they wake up tonight.
Are they clones? or topped? (gotten the gut up yet to top?)
Also be just the plant/strain.

GrnMan, Budz developing nicely!


Well-Known Member
Are they clones? or topped? (gotten the gut up yet to top?)
Also be just the plant/strain.

GrnMan, Budz developing nicely!
From seed. I would have topped, but I didn't think about it until it was too late and I was already in flower. I think it is strain, they seem extra bushy.


Well-Known Member
Don't be scared to get that grow journal up and running bro. ;)
Seems like too much pressure. Maybe for the next grow. I put up tonight's pic of your sister bud. I can see it getting a little bigger than a few days ago, but nothing stunning.


Well-Known Member
Ya Bro....we Dont Bite. Much. Lol Hey Wont Some Inspiration... I Do It From An Electric Wheel Chair... Hit The Sig. Marked Exp. And Enjoy. We Got Your Back "p" Db.:)


Well-Known Member
Grn haha guess what man the two plants i picked for the experiment one of them went Hermi so i had to pull her/him out.


Well-Known Member
Grn haha guess what man the two plants i picked for the experiment one of them went Hermi so i had to pull her/him out.

Damnit man! Hey, at least you have the luxury of getting rid of a hermie.

I think I may be moving to a house in a fw months. This means I'm going to be able to do a bigger grow now. I'm going to shoot for at least 10 plants next time.

I lied on the update, she hasn't really gotten any bigger. I think that was just a growth spurt she was going through. The buds seem to be fattening up though.



Well-Known Member
Ok, maybe a shot or two..

You guys remember that dude cannaboy? I wonder what ever happened to him? Think the cops got his ass? If you remember, he was almost done flowering his girl I believe. Maybe THC scared him off - LOL!


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
looks like a nice solid healthy plant!- for your next grow are you going to go with genetics from a seed bank? or bagseed again?


Well-Known Member

Never again my friend!

I'm looking at getting a nice strain. Something that smokes real good. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to get yet. I'm still up for suggestions on a good seed bank.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I am at the same stage, but dr.cronic's online seed bank has a really cool way you can search by the properties of the way they grow and i have seen some great strains there.


Well-Known Member
dr. chronic is who Im going to go with.. So many strains I have smoked in amsterdam that they carry from the places I smoked them at... already have a dna strain in mind I want!


Well-Known Member


Sorry folks, I've been experiencing some techinical difficulties. Been having some power outages around my place. And when this happens, the guys I'm leaching off of lose internet (NEWBS RESET THAT ROUTER!). Who knows when they will get that shit up and running again.

I'm not even going to attempt to read anything else when it takes 5 mins or longer to load! So until then, I'm going to chill (IM worried....I might have withdrawal) for a lil while.


Well-Known Member
I ordered for Dr.cronic. got all my seed's in like a week....good place to shop......but not all the seed's showed up in good condition....had to throw away like 4 of my 10 seeds i got.......o hay grnman. check my journal real quick and tell me what you think