It's dangerous being a Christian.

i agree completely however with the above however, i'd like to point out that salem was actually over politics and not truly religion. those who were accused were "different" in nature because they were often times (though not all) single "loner" outspoken women of wealth, even involved in salem leadership and looked upon by their neighbors with respect.. there were those who took opportunity of a situation, murdered innocent people not truly in the name of religion but of a power play within salem society..
Wasn't the whole madness of what happened at salem due to people eating 'Ergot' infected grain that made them hallucinate and start blaming each other for being witches ? im sure I read a scientifical study on Salem, cos we had it first here, 'the Witchfinder General Hopkins' arse that he was, and he disappeared? yeah right, now known that he had travelled to Salem under a different name.....interesting eh?
I think the majority of people in the world can be made to believe anything.
Right, that's exactly the problem and my point.

As for the "true Christians" comment I got little to say cause I know from experience it will lead to nothing.... no point in arguing about how silly the the term "true Christian" is. It's an oxymoron.... Having grown up in the most churched area of Europe, I heard it all before and frankly find it hard to not become rude to people who continously imply I will burn for eternity because I don't swallow their 2000 year old desert fairy tales... so I'll stop and go back to reading about mj - MY true savior :lol:

If you are one of those Christians who feels sorry for me that I haven't "found God" than you know exactly how I feel about you. I sincerly hope all believers see the light some day, metaphorically speaking...
Wasn't the whole madness of what happened at salem due to people eating 'Ergot' infected grain that made them hallucinate and start blaming each other for being witches ? im sure I read a scientifical study on Salem, cos we had it first here, 'the Witchfinder General Hopkins' arse that he was, and he disappeared? yeah right, now known that he had travelled to Salem under a different name.....interesting eh?

ah ya english always have to take credit for doing it first! rofl yes i believe ergot is the valid theory of trigger however, opportunity arose and acted upon in the name of religion..
Right, that's exactly the problem and my point.

As for the "true Christians" comment I got little to say cause I know from experience it will lead to nothing.... no point in arguing about how silly the the term "true Christian" is. It's an oxymoron.... Having grown up in the most churched area of Europe, I heard it all before and frankly find it hard to not become rude to people who continously imply I will burn for eternity because I don't swallow their 2000 year old desert fairy tales... so I'll stop and go back to reading about mj - MY true savior :lol:

If you are one of those Christians who feels sorry for me that I haven't "found God" than you know exactly how I feel about you. I sincerly hope all believers see the light some day, metaphorically speaking...
I am not implying anything to you.

I am saying that anyone who called themselves a christian and killed others for not being christian is not a real christian. They have been hoodwinked and have fooled their heart. By the bible's own definition those "christians" will not be going to heaven.
and roguetrooper shows us why batshit christians are the dangerous ones, not the persecuted.

Oh, I though he was referencing the Knights Templar in a way that criticized them, like: hey! They say it outright here...
There I go again, interpreting things how I want to see them, not how people intend them lol...
Seriously, religion is dangerous.
I think you'll find that all this fighting and nastiness is about religion, Religion = GOD. GOD = Gold Oil Drugs. Nuff said.

True, true, but those conquests are fueled with religious undertones *coughIraqcough911coughcough*
The very nature of 'faith' is action without question. Pastor says believe! without any shred of evidence and y'all say... ok! *coughIraqcough*. 'Scuse me.
I've had three religious people try to fight me in my life because I don't believe the same things as them. Saying you don't believe in god is still looked down upon. Looked down upon less, but still, people don't like it.

While I was religious, I was never attacked for my beliefs and if I ever mentioned my belief in god, I'd gain some kind of respect from other religious people. It seems like they beat you into belief. The title shouldn't be "It's dangerous being a christian" it should be"It's dangerous having beliefs".. which it is. Very dangerous having beliefs. Pretty sad.
Oh, I though he was referencing the Knights Templar in a way that criticized them, like: hey! They say it outright here...
There I go again, interpreting things how I want to see them, not how people intend them lol...
Seriously, religion is dangerous.
oh they've been criticized for century's, Batshit christians is not politically correct tho, the term is BatShit Extremist's, don't matter what religion you are. That's why our bible had to be re-worded, text removed over the centurys until finally we developed our own religion, The Church Of England. What does everyone else call us? Tells it all don't it?
without religion as a scapegoat men would have to resort to the truth for their desire to wage war. lust for land, wealth and power.

Hmmmm, desire to wage war? I struggle with this. You could very well be right, but I really don't know for sure. I think we get stubborn in our beliefs, whether it's belief in an Almighty or belief in genetic superiority. The desire is to defend our beliefs and unfortunately that sometimes outweighs the importance of human life.

As for lust for land, wealth, and power.... we'll always give ourselves excuses before admitting to that.
without religion as a scapegoat men would have to resort to the truth for their desire to wage war. lust for land, wealth and power.

...and I think that's the whole point. Life is full of seeming contradictions, and etc. Once a person sees that it's not the fault of any one thing (or group) then they're left to wrestle with their own perceptions. Much easier to point a...finger :)
ohhh man what a thing! lol @ pro tip...those weren't Christians, I couldn't even bother to read back to see if that is what was claimed............' PLEASE...... I agree with ya on that one Buck. The unbearable