What the heck was this dog doing on a beach if it can't be controlled?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What were they thinking by taking a dog that they can't control out somewhere like this. What if he had gotten away in a neighborhood with other animals around what could have happened?

This breed it is like a load gun when in the wrong hands. Maybe there should be dog control legislation instituted here?
This makes more sense now.

Basically she comparing the pit to guns.


its all about the owner not the dog. fuck breed specific legislation, its an absolute joke. its nature, animals kill other animals get the fuck over it. a few bad owners and an entire breed eradicated for their dumbassery..come on get a grip


Well-Known Member
my dog used to be pretty unruly... you would open the door and it would bolt off for like an hour... she would chase cars and squirrels with no hesitation. I bought a shock collar.. let me say she is a changed dog. best $150 i've ever spent. I can walk her without a leash. We can play fetch in the yard. I only need to warn her with the beeping option on the shock collar and she knows what happens if she doesnt get by my side and behave. She is much happier overall... she does respect me more now. She is part German Shepherd, Part Greyhound, and Part Black Lab... she is as fast as a whitetail deer. its crazy she caught 6 fox squirrels this year.


Well-Known Member
i'm thinking a pitbull and german shepherd mix for our next dog. he will be the guard dog, walter can be the mascot.


Well-Known Member
i'm thinking a pitbull and german shepherd mix for our next dog. he will be the guard dog, walter can be the mascot.

If you already trained Walter training your next dog will be much easier as it will learn commands from the other dog . At least it was that way when I got my second dog ..


Well-Known Member
Hyenas are not in the "dog family" or closely related to dogs in any way. They are related to something else which I forget.

crazy pics though. a pet hyena would be sweet.... wonder if you can do that in florida.


Ursus marijanus
gabby giffords is the congresswoman from arizona who was shot in the head while trying to talk to her constituents in tucson.

her and her husband now advocate for common sense gun safety legislation, such as background checks, smaller magazines, and assault rifle bans, all of which are constitutional and supported by a clear majority of americans.

they have even countered the NRA with their own gun safety PAC. this makes Whiterwoman shit her pants in fear, as she does not understand that it even the conservative SCOTUS members consider gun control measures constitutional and wishes to portray obama as some tyrant hellbent on taking her guns (and what do we do with tyrants?).

since the NRA has already tried to do the same to spectacular failure and public ridicule, the right is taking a new route: smear, smear, smear.

doesn't matter who or for what, just smear.

they stoop so low that they are now trying to smear the husband of a critically wounded former congresswoman who was taking a dog for a walk on a leash. the audacity of that owner.

let's not forget the audacity of the dog, either. :cuss:

it's cheap, it's tacky, it's petty, it's divisive and her (fake) outrage has nothing to do at all with this incident. the incident is merely the automobile for taking a cheap shot at someone she has labeled as her political enemy.

it's transparent.
You cannot buy an assault rifle without extensive federal paperwork, and not at all in many states such as mine. cn

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
wow, what a desperate plea for manfactured outrage from WhiterWoman.

suddenly she's an environmentalist. imagine that.

WhiterWoman, take your pathetic, desperate, manufactured outrage over to the blogs on fox news.
Ah, Bucky you are too easy.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
i highlighted the cheap swipe for ya.

Whiterwoman is just being a good little water carrier for the right. she has no leg to stand on in opposing simple gun control measures like background checks and the like, so she makes a catty little attempt to pick on a proximate figure to the congresswoman who was shot in the head while trying to talk to her constituents.

Whiterwoman has never had any concern about sea lions or proper dog care that i have ever been aware of, but all of a sudden it's deserving of it's very own thread.

so transparent. fucking amateurs.
Not such an amateur it got you going. Having a good night Bucky?