What is Canada on top of? The only reason you exist is because we keep Mexico from invading you.Lmao, Euro leffties? Im from a Country that is on top. The great white north. Im not European, I am Canadian, and our economy is just fine thanks.
I gave insight into what helped tarnish the rep of the US, the lies, the propaganda, the banking system and the BS.
If you dont think the US markets are not closely tied to global markets you are severely misguided. Not that I said the semi global collapse was
completely the US's fault.
So explain what the rest of the worlds propaganda machine was? (You know the coalition that went into Iraq under false pretences.)
We went, we fought, and we were all sure pissed off that we were lied to.
I guess you're in the know though, please do tell which WMD's that the bush admin made reference to were actually found.
Now wait, are you suggesting only a capitalist should run a bank? Yet more spin "Socialists Bad, Obama's a socialist Muslim, I hate socialized medicine. Yada yada yada.....
Dont try splitting hairs and defending actions with semantics.
The biggest tarnish to the American rep is power.
Who cares what you and the other 4 Canadians think?
Who lied to who? Bush sure the hell didn't know what was going on. When someone sells you a condo in Rhodesia, there is more than one person at fault. "Hey, we are invading Iraq because he has WMDs, you in?" "Da, we like fries with gravy and we will dedicate all 2 people in our army to the invasion" Shit, just because you put half your population into the invasion does mean we give a fuck about you.
What does this any of this have to do with the police/prison guards torturing people?