Doer, perhaps while evaluating why the rest of the world resents the US as you stated earlier you should take these things into account. You could also toss in the economics that filtered down to other markets causing collapse in other countries.
The US was actually fairly well respected until the witch hunt down a turkey trail for WMD's that never existed. The wars, the fear mongering and the economics of it all that came from dubya's administration is what has really caused much of todays resentment.
Of course, but you can't really see it this way, only. You and I woke up yesterday, but in the history of the world nothing has changed. We didn't create the horrors of war but, WE dearly intended to use the Bomb on Germany. They surrendered so we used Japan for Stalin's demo. WW2 is not over yet. It's still simmering and Gestapo is running a govt again. Egypt.
Nothing has changed. Even the hopes are the same. You are talking about the notorious and savage, huuuumannnns.
I don't know why Americans are on this high horse like we can show the High Road. But the world knows that is high horse shit.
And it is almost treasonous in a way, to me. It adds to the problem we have while claiming our the High Road cures the problems. I said why we aren't liked. And it isn't that we torture, believe me. It's because we claim we don't.
Americans are full of shit. We come in Force...people die. We sneak around in their countries...people die. We don't...people die. We leave...people die.
We elect these retarded Partisans that can only barely pass the squeeky clean test, more bullshit.We throw money away but pretend everyone wants to be perfect. Like US.. We are proven fickle and untrustworhy, that's why we are hated with disgust. We have it our way but pretend it is for their good. Only concerned with ourselves in self-rule. Can you imagine that?
We do Lucy and the football to everybody. Slippery, arrogant, and full of shit. And so are our enemies, just not quite as well, at present.
Dude, this world is not new. WE come and go. American is full of shit, that's why we are hated. It can't be changed and it won't be changed because it is working, just barely and so much better than all else in history.
But, this namby pamby, we take the High Road, you seem to subscribe to (along with very many Americans) is the real arrogance, the real reason we are resented. You act like we are supposes to be perfect. That is sickening to this world.
I'm being very real. Patriotism is my right. It's my umbrella of Nuclear Fire. But, I am sanquine enough to see we are no better than anyone now or in history. Just more powerful.