Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
The point of the entire exercise is that lefties don't want to admit being socialists, communists or marxists since marxism (and it's subgenres) have a pretty big stink attached, so they create NEW names, or appropriate old ones and attempt to Re-Brand Marxism for the twatter generation.Really? Let's look at the first definition of Anarchy from the previous page...
If there isn't government or law there isnt politics... If there isnt politics then your whole argument is proven false...
Either a society has rules or it doesnt. If it doesnt then it is Anarchy... The strongest take from the weakest and there are no laws nor force that can compel anything to happen otherwise.
unfortunately they didn't realize that this re-branding would, without a new Comintern, result in dozens of new versions of marxism, each with their own slightly different agenda which has diluted their ability to stay on message, which is why none of the dippledink anarcho-________ists on this forum can agree what "anarcho-" means, before they even attach their secondary label.
the left is in disarray, they cant even agree if Bwana Obama is doing a good job or fucking up, but since he has basically continued bush's policies en bloc, and has only added a little lefty jism on top through obamacare, the consensus is he is fucking up, but he is still not as bad as romney would have been, cuz romney liked horse ballet, and has never been poor, and his wife wore an ugly designer shirt! (substantive arguments one and all, as you can see...)
the Anarcho-rebranding of marxism has created a new, angrier, more petty left, but luckily for them, the right was also busily beating the shit out of itself at the same time, but the right is emerging with a new vision and a new energy (but it's really just a return to core principles) the next few elections will tell the tale, if the press continues to flog for the left, and the people are as stupid and malleable as the left assumes, we will get more of the same, but if the nation can be saved, leftism will be withering on the vine.
fuck, even bloomberg is facing backlash, in the second liberalest place on earth (outside san francisco) over his big drinks ban. who would have toyught new york had the backbone to object to leftist overreach. im stunned.