"I have FRIENDS who have had their water change" Definitely not personal, tard.
that she has friends who have had their water change is a personal experience that she has had.
reduced to semantic fappery, eh?
Y U So Antisemantic?
dont worry though, im extremely Antiisemantic too.
oh, i can just sense your bitterness and frustration.
you gonna stormfront her for sharing her personal experiences, red?
Wow, your whole post is full of bitterness and frustration.You spend 18 hours a day correcting people on their grammar and punctuation while not being able to capitalize properly...
You are an expert on bitterness and frustration...
Wow, your whole post is full of bitterness and frustration.
Irony fail.
Go back to mowing lawns.
How do you drink a potato?Someone must have touched you as a little boy... You seem fixated on pedophelia...
I dont mow lawns you stupid potato drinking fuck...
Lol, flavour won't get you drunk chief.Well, you ferment it carefully, distill it, and add a little juniper berry for flavor?
Lol, flavour won't get you drunk chief.
Ferment it then distill it, then distill it again.
That's "Poiteen" but it's definately not just "potato drinking" like ANALEXCESSGAY1 inferred.
And how did you come to that conclusion?I guess pictures is all you dumb Irish understand...
You must slant your version of reality to fit your world.
You are going to be wrong about the 91.4%....
Chick Filet Muthafucker!!!
I heard a quote the other day.*
"Pollsters were created to make Astrologists numbers credible"
You may be in for a rude awakening tonight.
Romney is going to win and we will have reams of text from you to laugh at...
The amount of effort you put into the last post really amuses me...
It just proves how much I get to you...