Best things to do while you're high?

when i'm stones i like to do household chores. like washing dishes or running the vacume cleaner. i also like to pull garden weeds. the more tedious the work the more i get into it. time goes faster and i get through it easier.
when i'm stoned i like to do household chores. like washing dishes or running the vacume cleaner. i also like to pull garden weeds. the more tedious the work the more i get into it. time goes faster and i get through it easier.
Really? I would of thought that more people would of said driving high. Boy do I love getting baked and cruise the city in my minivan, 12 cup holders baby.
best thing to do wake up...

my bong is like most people's cup of coffee in the morning.

and the best part of waking up!
Fishing either basking in the glorious sun or standing with winds howling a fish on your line and a bent half soaked spliff hanging out your mouth. Also go exploring walk down a river or through woods, make a fire cook some food on it and have a laugh.
Getting a blowjob. Video games. Comedies. Eating. When online. The usual. Only time I sober up is when I go shooting or riding or have to fly on a plane, I freak out on planes when high.
I think George was onto something...
Things i like to do when i get high.. hmm usually i smoke sativas so..
Listen to music or watch some cool movies, documentaries and videos from ISS (international space station).
Take a hot bath when i have the strength :p
Cooking vegetables is one of the best things i like to do!
Eat and drink
Talk or chill out with my friends or gf
Play some groovy rythms on bass
Play some video games
Study physics and maths (which i hardly understand when not high)
Also herb is a must when im on vacation :-P peace :leaf:
Fifa tournaments with friends is good. cooking something tasty. skating. chilling at a scenic spot. mostly its just nice to smoke alongside standard activities, and to help recover from heavy nights or aches/pains. some classic contemplation on life is always good as well.
Ahahaha this is brilliant! Lol! aha :)

I write all my music whilst high so I know what you mean with it being great for creativity! :)
Park at the end of the runway of Stapelton International Airport, and listen to the air sing. Oh wait, that was 40 years ago, when you could hang out at an airport.

Anymore, if everyone has done their job right, I cant do a thing.