I have a funny story for ya...when I'm high I like to eat so I decided I was gonna make some edibles (oatmeal chocolate chip cookies). So I whip em up and when they're done cooking I put them in a tin and they go on my counter (not much traffic in my house). 2 days later My mom, who lives 3 hours away comes to my house to spend the night because her and my step father were Flying out to Florida and they were leaving early in the AM (the airport was right next to my house). So the next morning I get up to drive them to the airport (my moms already been up for like 3 hours...she's an early bird). So I go about getting dressed and I walk out into the dining room...and my mom is dancing around the kitchen table happy as can be. I give her a hug and she says to me
"who made those cookies"? I say "what cookies" (Ive already forgotten that I made em)...she says "those oatmeal chocolate chip cookies...I hope you dont mind but I had a couple they're REALLy good". It took me a minute but everything started hitting me at once...MY GOD my MOTHER has eaten WEED cookies, she has NO IDEA she has eaten WEED cookies (never done a drug in her life), and in 20 minutes she's gonna be going through airport security HIGH AS A FUCKING KITE! SO...i start thinking..."I can't NOT tell her because what if something happens at the airport, they're gonna think she's nuts...but I can't TELL her because shes gonna get way too PARANOID and she's gonna freak out"...so what do I do? So I seek out my wife...explain to her the fiasco that has just taken place...and after she gives me the evil eye, tells me how fucking stupid I am and explains to me that the marijuana usage has to stop (yeah right)...we decide I need to tell her...so I go outside to get in the truck and I turn to my mom and my stepdad and begin to tell them what has just happened. My moms eyes get really big and she turns to my stepfather but before she can get a word out my step dad pounds his knee and says "god DAMNIT...I knew I should eaten some of those cookies!"...I lost it....that was the funniest thing...oh man...im still laughing. In the end she behaved herself through airport security and my stepdad reported that as soon as she hit the seat she was out cold until they landed =). SO...I think my mom learned a valuable lesson...and me...well...I still make edibles...and as we speak theres a tin on my counter full of cookies. I'm gonna go have me one
